Implementation Of Sea King Inquiry Recommendations

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18th March 2009, 06:29pm - Views: 788

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Issued by Coordination and Public Affairs, Department of Defence, Canberra, ACT

Phone: 02 6265 3343, Fax: 02 62656946

CPA 085/09

Wednesday, 18 March 2009



All 256 recommendations from the Sea King Board of Inquiry report have been

implemented, laying the foundation for ongoing improvement of safety in Navy

aviation, the Chief of Navy, Vice Admiral Russ Crane announced today.

The Board of Inquiry report into the Sea King accident on Nias Island, Indonesia in

April 2005 was publicly released on 21 June 2007.  The 256 recommendations are

far-reaching and include a major review of airworthiness, risk management and

safety, aviation maintenance regulations, training and cultural matters.

To ensure the highest level of oversight under a Defence implementation plan, the

Chiefs of Service Committee, made up of the most senior officers in Defence,

monitored progress of implementation of the Board’s recommendations across



“For Navy, and the entire Australian Defence Force, completion of all the Board’s

recommendations is a significant milestone, but not the end of our enduring focus on

the future of aviation safety,” Vice Admiral Crane said.

“We remain totally committed to ensure the families of those who died and the

survivors of the accident are fully supported.  Navy has appointed an Advocate who is

dedicated to the provision of this support and resolving claims for compensation.  

“Implementing all of the Sea King Board’s recommendations is the first major step to

embedding a ‘can do safely’ attitude into our activities. I am committed to ensuring

continued improvement in safety for all our people across the range of tasks they

consistently conduct in the defence of this nation,” Vice Admiral Crane said. 

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