Iinternational Campaign Allowance Overpayment

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22nd January 2010, 02:25pm - Views: 795

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Minister for Defence

Friday, 22 January 2010




Defence Minister Senator John Faulkner today said he had been advised that

his department had identified an error in the payment of allowances affecting

63 personnel.

The personnel, who had recently returned from overseas, were accidentally

overpaid in their entitlements to International Campaign Allowance. The

overpayment does not relate to soldier’s fortnightly regular pay. Individual

overpayments ranged from $2,000 up to $9,000. 

“I appreciate the fact that the overpayment was drawn to my attention by one

of those affected,” Senator Faulkner said.

This overpayment was then confirmed through the process of pay comparison

reports for pay day Thursday 21 January 2010. Defence is taking active steps

to contact all individuals concerned. 

Apart from sending letters of notification, the officers and soldiers affected by

this overpayment are being contacted and informed of their individual debt

amount. Defence advises most affected personnel have already been notified,

with efforts continuing to contact those away on leave. 

Defence is offering all personnel a variety of options for managing repayments

to avoid unfairly burdening families.

The cause of the overpayment was a manual input error where information

was not accurately loaded into the pay system.

“This pay error is regrettable. Defence has already taken a number of

measures to solve other payment and allowance problems. Defence moved

last year to upgrade the Human Resources and Payroll system used to

administer permanent and reserve military and civilian workforce through a

comprehensive technical refresh. Defence is also moving as a priority to

replace the personnel ICT system through Joint Project 2080,” Senator

Faulkner said. 

Media contacts:

Colin Campbell (John Faulkner):

02 6277 7800 or 0407 787 181

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664

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