Hunter Valley Employers Of Adf Reserves

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23rd October 2009, 11:35pm - Views: 788

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Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Support

Friday, 23 October 2009 




The Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Support, the Hon. Dr Mike Kelly AM MP, has

congratulated the eight employers from the Hunter Valley who were recognised last night

(Friday, 23 October) for their support of the Australian Defence Force (ADF) Reserves. 

The function, held at the RAAF Base Williamtown Officers’ Mess, and organised in

conjunction with the New South Wales Committee of the Defence Reserves Support Council

(DRSC), recognised the employers who have actively supported their Reservist employees in

rendering Defence service.

Dr Kelly offered his congratulations to all the award recipients.

“Our Reserve forces significantly enhance Defence capability, particularly their support of

current operations,” said Dr Kelly.

“Without the ongoing support of employers such as those represented at the Awards, it would

not be possible for Reservists to effectively coordinate their civilian and Service occupations.

“Working closely with employers to develop a mutual understanding as well as providing

financial and other support is critical. These awards clearly demonstrate the value Defence

places on the importance of the relationship with employers.”

For more information about the Awards and the support available for ADF Reservists and

their employers, go to or call 1800 803 485. 

List of winners:

Henry Kendal High School – State Award

TAFE NSW Belmont Electrical Section – Certificate of Appreciation

New South Wales Fire Brigades – Cooks Hill  - Certificate of Appreciation 

Hunter New England Mental Health Services – Certificate of Appreciation

Wilson and Oliver Engineering – Certificate of Appreciation

Austpower Engineering PTY LTD – Certificate of Appreciation

DMO – Certificate of Recognition

MAS National Australia Apprenticeship Centre – Certificate of Recognition.

Media contacts:

Mark Sjolander (Dr Mike Kelly):

02 6277 4840 or 0407 102 220

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664

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