Homecoming For Hmas Tobruk

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19th August 2008, 03:33pm - Views: 846

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Issued by Ministerial Support and Public Affairs, Department of Defence, Canberra, ACT

Phone: 02 6265 3343, Fax: 02 62656946

MSPA 260/08

Tuesday, 19 Aug 2008


The Royal Australian Navy’s ‘Faithful and Strong’ Landing Ship, HMAS Tobruk has

returned to her home port of Sydney today, following a successful deployment to Hawaii

where she played a critical role in Australia’s contribution to RIMPAC 08, the largest

maritime exercise in the world.

“The 2008 iteration of RIMPAC was the first time the RAN participated in the amphibious

component, and my ship’s company are proud to have played a pivotal support role,” said

Commanding Officer of HMAS Tobruk, Commander Peter Thompson, RAN.

“During the exercise we embarked US Marines with seven of their 26-tonne Amphibious

Assault Vehicles, providing flexibility to the Task Group, and gaining invaluable experience

ahead of the introduction of Landing Helicopter Docks (LHDs) into the RAN.

Tobruk also had the opportunity to demonstrate our capability when we hosted two

parliamentarians as visitors and shared centre stage during a Fourth of July fireworks display

at Pearl Harbour Naval Station,” said Commander Thompson.

RIMPAC is a biennial multilateral exercise held in the Hawaiian Islands Operating Area. 

Countries that participated in 2008, included the navies of Australia, Canada, Chile,

Netherlands, Japan, Peru, Singapore, Republic of Korea, United Kingdom and the USA.  The

exercise enhances the tactical proficiency of participating units in a wide array of combined

operations at sea, on land and in the air.  By enhancing interoperability between participating

countries, RIMPAC promotes stability in the Pacific Rim region to the benefit of all.

The Royal Australian Navy’s contribution to Exercise RIMPAC 08 included HMA Ships

Anzac, Tobruk, Success and Waller, Clearance Diving Team 4, Fleet Battle Staff and a

Headquarters element.

Media Note:

The Commanding Officer of HMAS Tobruk, Commander Peter Thompson, will be available

for interview today.

Images of HMAS Tobruk at RIMPAC are available for download at:

File vision of HMAS Tobruk be issued through Parliament House at 2.00pm today.

Media contact: Defence Media Liaison: 02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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