Hmas Sydney Ii Commission Of Inquiry Announced

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31st March 2008, 04:13pm - Views: 840

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Issued by Coordination and Public Affairs, Department of Defence, Canberra, ACT

Phone: 02 6265 3343, Fax: 02 62656946

CPA 078/08

Monday, 31 March 2008


The Acting Prime Minister, the Hon. Julia Gillard, and the Chief of the Defence Force, Air

Chief Marshal Angus Houston, today announced the establishment of a Commission of

Inquiry into the loss of HMAS Sydney II

As foreshadowed by the Prime Minister, a Commission of Inquiry has been established to

inquire into the circumstances surrounding the sinking of HMAS Sydney II.

The Hon. Terence Cole, AO, RFD, QC has been appointed President of this Commission of


With the aid of additional information likely to become available as a result of the discovery

of the Sydney II shipwreck, the Commission of Inquiry will seek to determine the

circumstances surrounding the tragic loss of Sydney II with its entire crew in November 1941,

following an engagement with the German raider HSK Kormoran.

The wrecks of Sydney II and the Kormoran were recently discovered off the West Australian

coast by The Finding Sydney Foundation. 

Acting Prime Minister Gillard praised the Chief of the Defence Force for establishing the

Commission of Inquiry which would examine the 66 year mystery of how Sydney II was lost

with all hands.

“More than 600 of our nation’s finest sailors and airmen lost their lives and we still don’t

know exactly how Sydney II met her end,” she said.

“I hope that through this inquiry we have a better understanding of what happened on that

fateful day. In particular, I know that this Inquiry will have special significance to the families

of those who lost loved ones on Sydney II.”

Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston said Mr Cole was eminently qualified to preside over one

of Australia’s greatest maritime mysteries.

“I am extremely pleased that Mr Cole has accepted this appointment. He has a wealth of

judicial experience and is very capable of undertaking this important task,” he said.

“During his distinguished career he has presided over two Royal Commissions, served as a

NSW Supreme Court Judge, Judge of the NSW Court of Appeal and has held the position of

Deputy Judge Advocate General of the Australian Defence Force.”

Media contact: 

Kimberly Gardiner (Julia Gillard):

02 6277 7320 or 0434 159 842

Defence Media Liaison: 

02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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