Hmas Ballarat Welcomed Home From Six Month Deployment

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9th October 2009, 01:19pm - Views: 792

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Issued by Ministerial Support and Public Affairs, Department of Defence, Canberra, ACT

Phone: 02 6127 1999, Fax: 02 6265 1545

MSPA 333/09

Friday, 09 October 2009



Senator Michael Forshaw, Senator for New South Wales, representing both the Prime

Minister, the Hon.

Kevin Rudd MP, and the Minister for Defence, Senator John

Faulkner, today joined family and friends to welcome home the Royal Australian

Navy ship HMAS Ballarat to her home port of Garden Island, Sydney, following a

six-month international deployment that took her ship’s company to 15 ports across

the globe. 

Senator Forshaw congratulated the crew of HMAS Ballarat

on a successful

deployment which saw the ship undertake a range of tasks in support of Australia’s

diplomatic, international security and defence industry interests in Western Europe,

North America and North Asia. 

“The Northern Trident 09 deployment has provided the crews of HMA Ships Ballarat

and Sydney

with extensive training and professional development while the ships

provided an excellent platform to promote Australian products and export trade

internationally,” Senator Forshaw said. 

In the final leg of the deployment, Ballarat visited Japan and participated in exercises

with Japan’s Maritime Self Defence Force while Sydney

went directly to her home

port of Sydney. 

“These exercises are a strong reflection of the maturing defence relationship between

Australia and Japan,” Senator Forshaw said. 

The Commanding Officer of Ballarat, Commander Kevin Turner, praised the

dedication and professionalism of the ship’s company and described the six-month

world deployment as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.  

“While there was a lot of hard work involved with benchmarking our skills against

foreign navies, there were also some amazing highlights such as sailing past the

Statue of Liberty and berthing in the middle of the New York, 

“Another memorable moment for Ballarat’s crew was deterring pirate attacks upon

merchant vessels while transiting the Gulf of Aden, a testament to the training and

capability of all of Ballarat’s Officers and Sailors.” Commander Turner said.

Media contact: Defence Media Liaison: 02 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664

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