Headquarters Joint Operations Command Project - Facilities Handover

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14th November 2008, 12:13pm - Views: 771

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Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Support

Friday, 14 November 2008




The Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Support, the Hon. Dr Mike Kelly AM

MP, said today he was pleased to announce Defence had successfully

delivered the new Headquarters Joint Operations Command facility to its new

users on time and budget.

Following the successful handover of the facility to Defence on 9 July 2008 by

Praeco Pty Ltd under public-private partnership arrangements, Defence has

completed the installation of all the necessary command, information and

communication systems.

“I would like to extend congratulations to Thales Australia, as the Prime

Systems Integrator on this important and large scale installation work,” Dr

Kelly said.

“This facility will provide the Chief of the Defence Force with an effective world

class platform for the command and control of the Australian Defence Force

on operations around the world and within Australia.

“I now look forward to Praeco providing the full range of facilities maintenance

responsibilities as part of a 30 year contract with Defence and I wish the new

Defence users of the facility every success in this new purpose built and world

class facility,” Dr Kelly said.

The official opening of the facility will occur in March 2009.

Media contacts:

Brigadier Wayne Budd (DG HQJOC Project):

02 6266 8140

Mark Sjolander (Dr Mike Kelly):

02 6277 4840 or 0407 102 220

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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