Guadalcanal Remembered

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7th August 2009, 04:33pm - Views: 831

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Issued by Ministerial Support and Public Affairs, Department of Defence, Canberra, ACT

Phone: 02 6265 3343, Fax: 02 62656946

MSPA 248/09

Friday, 07 August 2009


The Chief of Joint Operations, Lieutenant General Mark Evans, has today joined US

State and Military officials to remember one of the most decisive campaigns to

secure the South Pacific during World War Two.

Lieutenant General Evans said the landing of US Marines on Guadalcanal in August

1942 and the subsequent fighting in the Solomon Islands was a critical factor in

halting the Japanese advance.

Sixty seven years ago these islands were the site of some of the most decisive

battles that turned the tide in the Pacific campaign,” Lieutenant General Evans said.

“And today it is pleasing to see our American allies continuing to engage with the

Solomon Islands Government and people so long after the days of World War Two.”

The US Military-led Pacific Partnership program for 2009, which focuses on

increasing Pacific Islanders’ access to engineering and medical services,

commenced work in the region yesterday.

“The program is an important example of ongoing international engagement with the

Solomon Islands, and one of which Australia is proud to be a part,” Lieutenant

General Evans said.

Completing his visit to the Solomon Islands, Lieutenant General Evans met with

Australian troops serving in the Combined Task Force of the Regional Assistance

Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI).

“The work that you and your colleagues from throughout the region are doing here is

enormously beneficial to the people of the Solomon Islands,” Lieutenant General

Evans said.  

“RAMSI has made great strides in bringing security and stability to the Solomon

Islands and is something the whole region can be proud of.” 

Media Note: 

Further information about operation Anode can be accessed at

made available through Parliament House

Media contact: 

Defence Media Liaison: 02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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