Government To Upgrade Food Science Facility

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4th July 2008, 08:06pm - Views: 829

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Minister for Defence Science and Personnel

Friday, 4 July 2008



The Government plans to invest around $3.5 million in the redevelopment of

the Defence food science facility in Scottsdale, the Minister for Defence

Science and Personnel, the Hon. Warren Snowdon MP, announced today. 

“Defence is currently in the process of selecting consultants to prepare a

project plan for the redevelopment,” Mr Snowdon said.

“Final approval of the redevelopment plan is expected in October 2009 for

works to begin in 2010.”

Managed by the Defence Science & Technology Organisation (DSTO), the

food science facility in north eastern Tasmania focuses on two areas of

research and development - nutrition for soldiers’ performance enhancement

and the development of improved rations and rationing. It also produces

specialised food items for ADF combat ration packs.

“The proposed funding will enable DSTO to modernise its facilities and

equipment to optimise and expand its research into the nutrition, health and

performance of Australian soldiers,” Mr Snowdon said. 

Among the facilities requiring redevelopment are the chemistry and nutrition

laboratories, and the food technology area used for the pilot production of new

meal options.

“It’s vital these facilities are upgraded so that DSTO remains at the cutting-

edge of nutrition and food technology research, and continues to provide a

high level of support to the ADF,” Mr. Snowdon said.

“A recent example of this support has been the special prototype ration pack

developed by DSTO Scottsdale to suit the needs of our soldiers operating in

hot climates.”

Mr Snowdon said DSTO was also working with the University of Tasmania,

CSIRO and local industry to explore opportunities for collaboration on food

technology and rationing systems.

Media contacts:

Kate Sieper (Warren Snowdon):

02 6277 7620 or 0488 484 689

Sarah Dowd (DSTO):

03 9626 7130 or 0419 991 909

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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