Government Review Of Woomera Prohibited Area Interim Report Released

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5th November 2010, 04:07pm - Views: 1260

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The Hon Kevin Rudd MP

The Hon Stephen Smith MP

  Mr Smith’s Office: Mary Bagnall 0434 665 067

Mr Ferguson’s Office: Fiona Scott 0457 542 330 

Defence Public Affairs:  (02) 6127 1999 


Stephen Smith MP

Martin Ferguson AM MP

Minister for Defence

Minister for Resources and Energy

M E D I A  R E L E A S E

5 November 2010

Government Review of the Woomera Prohibited Area

Interim Report Released

Defence Minister Stephen Smith and Minister for Resources and Energy Martin Ferguson today released

the Interim Report of the Government Review of the Woomera Prohibited Area.  

The Review was commissioned by the Government in May this year and is led by Dr Allan Hawke AC.  

The Review process has involved extensive stakeholder consultation, including with representatives from

Defence, the South Australian Government, the minerals and petroleum resources industry,

Indigenous groups, pastoralists and environmental groups.  Twenty-five public submissions were made to

the Review.  

The Interim Report contains an analysis of key findings from those consultations and public submissions. 

The Review found there is scope to increase the national value of the Woomera Prohibited Area and has

put forward a model that could promote better management of the national security and economic interests

in this unique area of South Australia.

“The Government has acknowledged the national security and economic significance of the

Woomera Prohibited Area and welcomes the Interim Report as a vehicle to enhance the coexistence of two

important national priorities,” said Mr Smith.

The Interim Report proposes a coexistence model that will promote greater transparency and certainty for

all interested in operating in the Woomera Prohibited Area. The coexistence model sees Defence continue

to conduct its test and evaluation activities to meet its requirements now and into the future. 

The importance of the Woomera Prohibited Area for developing and maintaining Australia’s military

capability is recognised and the Interim Report proposes a core area for Defence use. The model also

proposes a time-share arrangement between Defence and non-Defence users in other areas of the

Woomera Prohibited Area. That would facilitate resources industry access to specific areas of the Woomera

Prohibited Area for set periods of time.  

“The Woomera Prohibited Area has significant mineral and petroleum resource potential.  Facilitating

access to these resources would provide greater certainty to the resources industry and its potential

investors,” said Mr Ferguson.

Public comment on the Interim Report closes in early December.  Consultation on the proposed

coexistence model outlined in the Interim Report will inform the final report on the long-term management

of coexistence in the Woomera Prohibited Area.  Dr Hawke will present his final report to the Government

by the end of the year, which the Government will then consider.

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  Mr Smith’s Office: Mary Bagnall (02) 6277 7800

Mr Rudd’s Office:  Kate Sieper (02) 6277 7500 or 0466 745 615

Department: (02) 6127 1999 (Defence) or (02) 6261 1555 (DFAT)

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