Funding Assistance For Defence Family Support Initiatives

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25th June 2009, 07:26pm - Views: 774

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Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science

Thursday, 26 June 2009




Greg Combet, Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science announced

today that Defence family community groups across Australia will receive over

$900,000 in Family Support Funding grants over the 2009/10 financial year.

“The Government recognises the important contribution and sacrifices made by

families who support the men and women of the Australian Defence Force,”

Mr Combet said.

“Those who have pursued a military career have chosen not only a job but also a

special way of life. For their families, this can mean frequent postings around

Australia and a significant amount of time away from their loved ones who are

deployed on operations and exercises.”

The Defence Family Support Funding Program was introduced to provide grants for

Australian Defence Force (ADF) family groups to enable them to undertake family

support projects that will connect the families with their local community, enhance the

families’ self-reliance and improve their overall well-being.  

“The Defence Family Support Funding Program grants provide money to develop

programs and activities that best suit the needs of ADF families within their local


47 Defence family support groups in all states and territories, as well as in Papua

New Guinea and Malaysia, will benefit from over $900,000 in Defence grants this

financial year.

“The grants assist Defence family support groups to utilise neighbourhood houses

and community centres as well as undertake programs and activities such as craft

groups, playgroups, as well as assisting children with special needs and producing

local newsletters,” Mr Combet said.

“These important projects will help Defence families stay connected with their local

communities and assist them to better deal with the challenges of a highly mobile

Defence lifestyle.”

“Families are resilient and support each other through the friendships that develop

from these projects.  They share information and ideas that help them manage the

uncertainty often associated with the demands of military service.” Mr Combet said. 

Media contacts:

Rod Hilton (Greg Combet): 02 6277 4771 or 0458 276 619

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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