First Ever Adf Families Survey Completed

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9th December 2009, 04:03pm - Views: 847

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Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science

Wednesday, 9 December 2009



Greg Combet, Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science today

welcomed findings from the first ever Australian Defence Force (ADF) families


“The key objectives of the survey were to assist Defence in better

understanding the needs and experiences of ADF families, whether their

support and education programs were well received and whether there was

effective communication with families,” Mr Combet said. 

“The feedback from families is being used to help shape the 20-year ADF

Housing and Accommodation Strategy so that more flexible housing options

are available to ADF families.  It is also being used to inform the development

of an improved Absence from Home Support program for ADF members and

their families.

“Overall the responses indicate that the majority of families find that Defence

is very supportive of ADF families. The survey findings also show that families

are highly resilient and resourceful in dealing with the challenges of the unique

employment requirements of the ADF.

“The survey also has a clear message that families would like to see improved

communication and interaction with Defence.

“The survey found that although Defence has a comprehensive range of

service and personnel policies aimed at supporting families, it is clear that

more can be done to improve the way that these programs and policies are

communicated and understood.

“Given these results, ADF commanders are being sent information about the

importance of improved communication with families. This includes helping

families feel part of the ADF community, understand the roles of the ADF, and

to aid family education and preparation.

“For example, the importance of encouraging families to attend unit and ship

social events and pre-deployment briefings is currently being reinforced to

ADF commanders.

“The survey results also highlight the value of on-going family preparedness

and education.  Families have shared their own adjustment experiences which

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are being used to tailor support, employment, housing and education


“This information is particularly valuable in helping us to better support ADF

families with different needs, preferences, family characteristics and

employment circumstances.

“Defence will now begin a process of close engagement with ADF members

and their families, to continue to improve and enhance the relationship with

families and assist in minimising the impact of ADF service on families,” Mr

Combet said.

5749 respondents, including partners of ADF members, dual ADF couples

and single ADF parents participated in the survey.

Copies of the full results report and also a brief summary of results can be

Media contacts:

Rod Hilton (Greg Combet):

02 6277 7620 or 0458 276 619

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664

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