Farewell For Middle East Task Force Command Group

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3rd October 2008, 03:48pm - Views: 861

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Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Support

Friday, 3 September 2008




The Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Support, Dr Mike Kelly, AM, MP,

today farewelled the Task Force 158 (TF 158) Command Group, ahead of a

five-month deployment to the Persian Gulf.

TF 158 is being led by Commodore Bruce Kafer AM, CSC, RAN.

The team’s farewell was held at HMAS Kuttabul, also attended by

Commander Australian Fleet, Rear Admiral Nigel Coates, AM, RAN.

“Commodore Kafer and Task Force 158 staff are well prepared and ready for

the important job before them.  Their mission is vital to the Australian

Government’s efforts to develop a secure and stable environment in Iraq,” Dr

Kelly said.

“Yours is a complex and demanding task and I am confident you will continue

the outstanding work being done by Australian troops overseas.  I look

forward to your safe return and the successful completion of your very

important mission.”

Commodore Kafer will assume duties as Commander TF 158 on 17 October

2008.  In this role, he will control Coalition personnel and ships conducting

Maritime Security Operations in the Northern Arabian Gulf.

“I would also like to thank the families and friends of the personnel deploying

to the Middle East for their ongoing support and wish those deployed

continued success and safety,” Dr Kelly said.

Task Force 158 comprises assets from Australia, the United States, United

Kingdom, Singapore, and Iraq, including HMAS Parramatta.  The Commander

TF 158 is one of the most senior Coalition Navy appointments in the Middle

East Area of Operations and Commodore Kafer will be in command of around

800 personnel.

Media contacts:

Mark Sjolander (Dr Mike Kelly):

02 6277 4840 or 0407 102 220

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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