Enhanced Virtual World For Test-driving Aircraft

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21st August 2009, 12:30pm - Views: 791

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Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science

Friday, 21 august 2009



Greg Combet, Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science, today opened a

$1.7 million upgrade of the Australian Defence Force’s (ADF) flight simulation

research facility at the Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO), which

will provide crucial support for future military aircraft.

“The Air Operations Simulation Centre in Melbourne is a unique Australian research

facility, capable of accurately simulating the full scope of flight operations and combat

scenarios for a variety of military aircraft,” Mr Combet said.

“The facility is designed to introduce a far more realistic and immersive experience

for pilots and operators, and allows Defence to test-drive aircraft and tactics without

leaving the ground.

“By recreating real-life situations in a virtual environment, this facility allows air

combat operations to be rehearsed and evaluated at a significantly reduced cost and

without putting ADF personnel in harm’s way,” Mr Combet said.

“In addition to supporting in-service aircraft, the upgraded centre will also be used to

support the acquisition of the Multi-Role Helicopter and to perform analysis for the

new Super Hornets.

“The upgraded facility will enable DSTO to communicate live over secure networks

with other defence facilities around the world, facilitating joint and coalition exercises

on a larger scale.

“This connectivity is critical in building a highly-networked Australian Defence Force,”

Mr Combet said.

The launch of the enhanced facility coincides with the 70th anniversary of DSTO’s

Fishermans Bend laboratory, where the black box flight recorder was invented in the


“This laboratory continues to lead the world in technologies for the life-extension of

operational aircraft, a capability that has saved the ADF many hundreds of millions of

dollars over the years,” Mr Combet said.

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