Employers Of Reservists Officially Recognised By Defence

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24th June 2010, 09:28pm - Views: 882

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Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Support

Thursday, 24 June 2010



Employers of Reservists officially recognised by Defence

Dr Mike Kelly, congratulated Canberra employers of Reservists who were recognised at the

annual Defence Reserves Support Council ACT Committee Employer Support Awards held at the

Australian War Memorial this evening (24 June 2010).  

“For every Reservist who renders Reserve service there is usually an employer (or an educational

institution) who supports that Reservist by willingly releasing them to don their uniform,” said Dr


“These awards recognise the essential support given by the employers of those Reservists,” said

Dr Kelly.

Senator for the ACT Kate Lundy attended the awards on behalf of the Government, and said “The

Australian Defence Force Reserves offer experience in leadership, acceptance of responsibility,

reliability and work ethic better.  All these skills are directly transferable to the civilian work

environment are often to the workplace which makes employing a Reservist of mutual benefit to

the Reservist and employer”.

As part of the Employer Support Awards, the Defence Reserves Support Council ACT Committee

will also be farewelling one of its own. Mr Bill Thompson, the outgoing Chair of the ACT

Committee, is retiring after many years of support to the Reserve in a number of capacities.

“Bill Thompson has done an incredible amount of work in supporting the Reserves,” said Dr Kelly.

“As a former Regular and Reserve soldier, Bill has fought for their rights and for improvements in

their conditions of service. Bill was, for many years, the ACTU representative on the Defence

Reserves Support Council and, in later times, the chair of the ACT Committee. During this time 

Bill demonstrated his commitment and ability to contribute in an ongoing and positive manner. He

will be greatly missed.”

Media contacts:

Elyse Gatt  (Mike Kelly)


0437 502 246

Deanna Nott:

0438 013 548

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664

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