East Timor And Bougainville Health Studies Completed

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30th October 2009, 03:29pm - Views: 782

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Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science

Friday, 30 October 2009

091 /2009


Greg Combet, Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science, today announced

results of the Bouganville and East Timor Health Studies.

“The Bougainville and East Timor studies focused on the health effects of these

deployments. The studies made a comparison between personnel who deployed and those

who did not deploy, examined mortality and cancer rates, mental health, general health and

lifestyle factors,” said Mr Combet. 

The Bougainville Health Study included veterans who deployed between 1997 and 2003

while the East Timor Health Study focused on ADF personnel who deployed between 1999

and 2005.

The studies found mortality and cancer rates for the Bougainville and East Timor veterans

were no different to the rates of personnel who did not deploy. They also found that there

were no significant differences in symptoms of post-traumatic stress for East Timor and

Bougainville veterans compared to non-veterans. Overall rates of high risk drinking

behaviours were also very low among veterans of both studies.

Fatigue was the most common symptom reported by veterans from both studies which is

also the most commonly reported symptom in similar studies, both nationally and


“These results will help inform policy that will support the health of ADF members, and

identify any need for improvement in areas of healthcare to members post-deployment. We

will also look to follow up in the future these results to see how they change over time,” said

Mr Combet. 

“Maintaining the health and wellbeing of ADF personnel is a priority for the Government,

particularly in times of high operational tempo. These studies help us to understand the

unique physical, mental and emotional impacts that deployments can have on our members.” 

The Centre for Military and Veterans’ Health has been funded by the Departments of

Defence and Veterans’ Affairs, to undertake independent research studies through the

Deployment Health Surveillance Program. 

The next study funded under this program will examine the health effects of deployment to

the Middle East Area of Operations and is scheduled to begin at the end of this year. 

The studies will be available at www.cmvh.org.au/dhsp. Information about the Deployment

Health Surveillance Program is available from www.uq.edu.au/cmvh/DHSP

Media contacts:

Rod Hilton (Greg Combet):

02 6277 7620 or 0458 276 619

Assoc Professor Susan Treloar (CMVH): 

0423 849 101 

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664

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