Dsto Renews Industry Alliance Agreement With Ibm

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5th September 2008, 08:02pm - Views: 789

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Minister for Defence Science and Personnel

Friday, 5 September 2008




The Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) has renewed an

important Industry Alliance agreement with IBM for a further three years, the

Minister for Defence Science and Personnel, the Hon Warren Snowdon MP,

announced today.

“This Industry Alliance enables DSTO to leverage IBM’s US$6 billion annual

investment fund for research and development through the Australian IBM

Research Laboratory program. We can also access IBM’s impressive network

of technology partnerships involving defence organisations in Europe and

North America,” Mr Snowdon said.

In particular, the project-based work covered by the agreement will continue

the development of practical solutions flowing from current DSTO technology

research investments.


“One example is the collaborative work between DSTO and IBM on new

applications for DSTO’s Shapes Vector, a prototype system for detecting

intrusions into computer networks using three dimensional visualisation

techniques to patrol and report on wide-area network anomalies.

“This development project will, at no cost to DSTO, have a direct benefit for

Defence’s computer network and security management requirements,” the

Minister said.

Other areas covered by the agreement will help Defence meet its capability

challenges such as achieving IT system and coalition interoperability and

enhancing its vital command and control systems.

The agreement was recently signed in Adelaide by the Deputy Chief Defence

Scientist (Information and Weapon Systems), Dr Warren Harch, and the

General Manager, Defence & National Security, IBM Australia Ltd, Mr Murray


Media contacts:

Kate Sieper (Mr Snowdon) 

02 6277 7620 or 0488 484 689

Colin Blair (DSTO) 

02 6128 6385 or 0416 266 843

Defence Media Liaison 

02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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