Dsto And University Of Queensland Create A Hypersonic Chair

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2nd May 2008, 09:36am - Views: 835

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Minister for Defence Science and Personnel

Friday, 2 May 2008




Missiles 10 times faster than today’s and troops deployed to the other side of the

world in just a few hours are all part of the hypersonic future being developed by the

Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) and the University of

Queensland (UQ).

The Minister for Defence Science and Personnel, Warren Snowdon, announced

today that DSTO will fund a Chair in Hypersonics at UQ in a significant boost to high-

speed flight research.

“Hypersonics is the study of flight exceeding approximately five times the speed of

sound, and a closer DSTO/UQ collaboration will strengthen Australia’s position as a

world leader in the field,” Mr Snowdon Said.

“Future applications for hypersonic travel include the inexpensive launch of satellites,

and scramjets (supersonic ramjets) for long-range time critical missions.”

DSTO’s Deputy Chief Defence Scientist (Information and Weapons System), Dr

Warren Harch, said the Chair enhances an already excellent alliance and will foster

long-term developments.

“The research will focus on scramjet technology, and the Hypersonics International

Flight Research Experimentation (HIFiRE) Agreement,” said Dr Harch.

“In November 2006 DSTO signed a $74 million HIFiRE Agreement with the United

States Air Force that will comprise up to 10 hypersonic flight experiments planned for

the Woomera Testing Facility over the next five years.

“The DSTO funding will also go towards the University’s ‘T4 shock tunnel’ for

experimental modelling of flights.”

Dr Russell Boyce of the University of New South Wales, at the Australian Defence

Force Academy, has been appointed DSTO Chair and Professor in Hypersonics.

He will work alongside Associate Professor Michael Smart, formerly of NASA, who

has been appointed to the position of Chair and Professor in Hypersonic Propulsion.

Executive Dean of the University of Queensland’s Faculty of Engineering, Physical

Sciences and Architecture, Professor Stephen Walker, welcomed the appointments.

Media contacts:

Steve Butler (DSTO): 

08 8259 6923 or 0418 800 323

Jan King (University of Queensland): 

07 3365 1120 or 0413 601 248 

Kate Sieper (Warren Snowdon):

02 6277 7620 or 0488 484 689

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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