Diggers Welcomed Home From Iraq

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5th July 2008, 02:01pm - Views: 872

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Minister for Defence Science and Personnel

Saturday, 5 July 2008



The Minister for Defence Science and Personnel, the Hon. Warren Snowdon MP,

today thanked those who served in Iraq at a Welcome Home parade in Darwin.

Approximately 400 soldiers and 10 armoured vehicles paraded through the streets of

Darwin. The ceremony culminated in a function held on the grounds of Darwin City


The 1st Brigade, which is located in Darwin, comprised approximately two thirds of

the personnel who contributed to this important mission.

“These men and women have done an outstanding job and I am honoured to be here

to welcome them home, and thank them for their work helping the Iraqi people,” said

Mr Snowdon.

“Today we are recognising the efforts of all Australians who have served with the Al

Muthanna Task Group, the Overwatch Battle Group – West and the Australian Army

Training Team in Iraq.  These soldiers have all had a significant impact on the

stability and future prospects for the region.

“The parade marks the culmination of these operations and confirms this

government’s commitment to bring our combat troops home from Iraq,” he said.

Australia’s commitment to southern Iraq included the deployment of an infantry and

cavalry battle group for more than three years and a dedicated training team for

about four years.

“I thank the Darwin City Council for hosting this event and the people of the Darwin

for their continued support of the Defence community in Northern Territory,” Mr

Snowdon said.

“I would also like to thank the families of those personnel returning for their ongoing

support and understanding.  Families are often the unsung heroes whose support is

the foundation on which the Army is built.”

This is the second of three welcome home events, with the next taking place in

Townsville on 20 July 2008.

The Al Muthanna Task Group was deployed in May 2005 and transitioned to the

Overwatch Battle Group – West in May 2006. The Overwatch Battle Group – West

provided operational overwatch within the Al Muthanna province. The Australian

Army Training Team – Iraq were deployed in May 2004, where they were initially

established in Northern Iraq at Al Kasik.

Media contacts:

Kate Sieper (Warren Snowdon):

02 6277 7620 or 0488 484 689

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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