Dha And Defence Join To Commemorate 103 New Homes For The "pucka" Community

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22nd May 2008, 02:37pm - Views: 818

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Minister for Defence Science and Personnel

Thursday, 22 May 2008




The Hon Warren Snowdon MP, Minister for Defence Science and Personnel,

today congratulated Defence Housing Australia (DHA) on the completion of

103 new homes for the “Pucka” community, and the commemoration of

Puckapunyal’s ‘Lone Pine Park’.

“Puckapunyal is not the easiest posting for a Defence family due to its remote

location, and with over 260 families living on-base, it is important that they

have access to the same amenities and standard of living as other Defence

families around the country,” said Mr Snowdon.

“DHA’s 103 new homes, predominantly three-bedroom, have replaced older

housing stock that was built in the 1960s and 1980s.  These homes now

provide Defence families with modern and comfortable living and feature

ensuites, living, dining, family and meal areas, garages and covered outdoor

areas,” he said.

“The Australian Defence Force (ADF) is critical to protecting the vital interests

of our country, and it’s important that we help care for their families and give

them a proper ‘place to call home’.”

‘Lone Pine Park’, a Defence and DHA-funded project, is situated within the

Puckapunyal Military Area, and provides additional on-base facilities for

Defence families to enjoy.  The park, completed in January 2008, is named

after the Battle of Lone Pine in 1915.  A single lone pine, descended from the

original pine tree that grew at the site of the battle now stands in the park.

Now in its 20th year of operation, DHA is continuing to provide quality housing,

property management and relocation services to Defence families, and works

closely with Defence to support the operational capability and retention and

recruitment initiatives of the Defence Force.

DHA manages approximately 17,000 residences around Australia, with

approximately 290 homes on the Puckapunyal Army base.

Media contacts:

Kate Sieper (Warren Snowdon):

02 6277 7620 or 0488 484 689

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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