Defence Uxo Information And Advice Via The Internet

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29th September 2009, 05:43pm - Views: 768

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Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Support

Tuesday, 29 September 2009




The Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Support, the Hon Dr Mike Kelly AM

MP, today announced enhancements to the Defence Unexploded Ordnance

(UXO) information and advice internet site at:

“The enhancements to the UXO website are designed to provide a one-stop

shop for those members of the public wanting information or advice on UXO in

Australia,” Dr Kelly said.

UXO is explosive ordnance (ammunition) which has malfunctioned and is

potentially dangerous.

“UXO is never too old to be dangerous, as such any item found that is

suspected of being a UXO must not be disturbed; simply leave it alone and

report it to local police who will arrange for Defence experts to attend and deal

with it.  This is a free service provided by Defence,” Dr Kelly said.

“Public safety is of paramount importance to Defence and all reasonable

measures are taken to prevent unauthorised access to land which Defence

controls and which it knows or suspects to be contaminated with UXO.”

Where UXO is found on land that the Australian Government has never

owned or no longer owns, Defence undertakes consultation with the

appropriate controlling authority regarding remediation.

“Defence provides advice to land management authorities and landowners on

the management of UXO sites and makes available specialist Defence

personnel to render safe any items of UXO as they are discovered and

notified to Defence.”

Defence conducts an ongoing public information campaign, including the

annual distribution of over 380,000 notices directed at the public, and in

particular, child safety.

Media contacts:

Mark Sjolander (Dr Mike Kelly):

02 6277 4840 or 0407 102 220

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664

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