Defence Technical Scholarships Closing Soon

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19th August 2009, 01:20pm - Views: 864

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Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science

Wednesday, 19 August 2009



Greg Combet, Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science, encouraged

students interested in applying for a Defence Technical Scholarship to get their

applications in soon.

“With $2000 for Year 11 or $3000 for Year 12 students up for grabs, the Defence

Technical Scholarships are helping technically-minded students get a smarter start to

their career,” Mr Combet said.

“There are 1500 Scholarships available for next year’s Year 11 and 12 students

across the country, and they provide a fantastic opportunity for students interested in

a Defence technical career to gain some additional financial support while they

complete their studies,” Mr Combet said.

“On completing school, there is no obligation for Scholarship recipients to enter the

Australian Defence Force.  So if you are considering a technical career – even if

you’re not 100 per cent sure about the ADF – I encourage you to take a look at the

Defence Technical Scholarships and get your application in as soon as possible.

“The minimum level of maths required for the Scholarship has been revised this year,

opening up eligibility to thousands more students who may be interested in pursing a

technical trade career,” Mr Combet said.

To be eligible to apply, students will need to be studying maths in Years 11 or 12,

studying a relevant vocational or syllabus technical trade subject, and demonstrate a

genuine interest in an ADF technical trade career.

Selected Defence Technical Scholarship recipients will get the opportunity to

participate in a range of Defence experiences, events, and base and ship visits

during their Scholarship year, highlighting the many opportunities available to them

on completion of a trade qualification in the ADF.

Student applications for the 2010 Defence Technical Scholarships are open now,

with nearly 2300 schools having already registered to participate.  The application

period for was recently extended and will close on Friday, 25 September 2009 for all

States and Territories.

More detailed information on the Scholarships, including the eligibility criteria, can be

found on the Defence Jobs homepage:

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