Defence Signs Air Expendable Stores Contract

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3rd December 2008, 01:28pm - Views: 803

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Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Procurement

Wednesday, 3 December 2008



Greg Combet, Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Procurement, today

announced that Defence has agreed to enter into a long-term agreement with

Chemring Australia Pty Ltd for the in-country manufacture of pyrotechnics and

air-expendable stores such as flares and chaff, deployed from military aircraft.

“Through the long-term contract arrangement, valued at approximately $160

million over 10 years, Chemring will invest approximately $18 million in plant

and equipment at its facility in Lara, Victoria, to deliver leading edge

technology tailored to meet the stringent requirements of Defence,” Mr

Combet said.

“The contract reinforces Chemring Australia’s role as a key element of the

National Support Base supplying munitions to Defence, and will provide

ongoing employment for approximately 40 additional skilled workers.

“Establishing an in-country manufacturing facility enables Chemring Australia

to demonstrate the capability and capacity of Australian manufacturers to

supply munitions to the global market.”

In announcing the contract signing, Mr Combet said, “the establishment of an

in-country manufacturing capability positions Chemring Australia to

demonstrate the capacity to manufacture these items for the JSF project and

this will allow them to compete for work on the global fleet.

“The long-term contract, under which annual minimum order quantities are

guaranteed, assists in smoothing production throughput leading to increased

efficiencies in manufacturing.  The contract will also lead to a more efficient

supply of flares and chaff which are often sourced from offshore,” Mr Combet


An Australian-based manufacturing capability will also lead to opportunities for

export of Chemring products to the region.

Media contacts:

Rod Hilton (Greg Combet):

02 6277 4771 or 0458 276 619

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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