Defence Removal And Relocation Administration Services Contract

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24th November 2009, 01:13pm - Views: 946

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Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science

Tuesday, 24 November 2009




Greg Combet, Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science, today

announced that Toll Transport Pty Ltd, trading as Toll Transitions Pty Ltd, has been

selected as the preferred tenderer for the provision of Removal and Relocation

Administration Services to Australian Defence Force (ADF) members.

”Defence currently relocates around 23,000 ADF members and their families each

year as part of the military posting cycle,” Mr Combet said. 

“Ensuring that ADF members and their families are moved efficiently and effectively

is very important, especially as they are moving to meet Defence requirements.

“This new contract is also important to Defence as it combines two previous

contracts into one. This streamlined approach allows ADF members further

convenience and less red tape when they are required to move.

“To assist ADF members and their families throughout this process, the new

contract for the first time will provide one contact point for both removal and

relocation services.

“The contract will be the largest removal contract in Australia and involves locations

all around the country, including regional and remote areas. 

“Industries such as removalists, accommodation providers and airlines will benefit

from this contract through sub-contracting arrangements. A significant number of

these businesses are likely to be small to medium enterprises,” Mr Combet said.

The contract is for 5 years with the option for 4 one year extensions at the discretion

of Defence and dependent on performance. The total cost of both removal and

relocation components is more than $1 billion for the first five years.

Defence expects to sign the contract with Toll once the contractual issues are


The removal and relocation contract will commence on 1 July 2010.

Media contacts:

Rod Hilton (Greg Combet):

02 6277 7620 or 0458 276 619

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664

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