Defence Personnel Administration Centre Open For Business In Raymond Terrace

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16th July 2008, 01:33pm - Views: 1512

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Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Support

Wednesday, 16 July 2008




The Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Support, the Hon. Dr Mike Kelly AM MP,

today officially opened the Personnel Administration Centre (PAC) in Raymond

Terrace NSW.

“I am pleased to be here today as this Personnel Administration Centre represents a

significant advance in the provision of pay and entitlements to our Service men and

women,” Dr Kelly said.

The PAC will pay around 21,000 service personnel.  It will reduce long-term support

costs to Defence by reducing the number of processing centres required from 45 in

2003 to just one major centre for processing of military pay and leave.

“The processing of military pay and leave entitlements is an area where Defence has

been keen to improve its services, maximise the efficiencies and reduce its overall

costs,” Dr Kelly said.  

The centre will accommodate up to 150 Australian Public Service employees and to

date 97 have already been recruited from outside Defence in the local area.

“The Centre will provide employment opportunities for the local community,” Dr Kelly


“The creation of 150 new jobs in Raymond Terrace will also generate significant

income for local businesses.”

The new building meets Government and Defence environmental standards by

incorporating heritage values and a number of renewable and sustainable

environmental initiatives.

Dr Kelly recognised the significant contribution by local firm Buildev Development

NSW which developed the facility that Defence will lease, and also the Port Stephens

Council for its support in securing the facility in Raymond Terrace.

“This Centre will provide top service to Service men and women, value to Defence,

and a great place to work for local Defence staff,” Dr Kelly said.

Media contacts:

Elyse Gatt (Dr Mike Kelly):

02 6277 4840 or 0437 502 246

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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