Defence Partnering With Ict Industry

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18th January 2010, 07:48pm - Views: 753

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Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Support

Monday, 18 January 2010



The Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Support, the Hon. Dr Mike Kelly AM

MP, today announced that Defence is inviting the information and communication

technologies (ICT) industry to assist in providing future Defence central ICT

services and terrestrial communication services.

This follows an approach to industry in November 2009 when Defence invited

information responses for the provision of certain distributed communications

services to gauge the level of interest should Defence offer a firm business


Dr Kelly said that procurement activity for these services is now underway

through the release of a request for tender.  Through a separate but parallel

tender process Defence is also aiming to contract certain network equipment

maintenance services for terrestrial communications.  The contract for terrestrial

communication services expires in June 2010 and the contract for Defence

central ICT services expires in November 2010.

Dr Kelly said industry has a significant role to play in enhancing Defence ICT

services while at the same time reducing complexity and lowering costs.  These

are key aspects of the Defence Strategic Reform Program and the Defence ICT


“I encourage the ICT industry to actively participate in these Defence initiatives,”

Dr Kelly said.

“Although Defence aims to consolidate certain ICT services, and therefore fewer

suppliers will be selected, those chosen as key strategic partners will have

increased responsibility and opportunity to contribute to Defence’s business


The two invitations to industry have been published through the Government’s

purchasing channel (AusTender) via its website,

Tenders will be evaluated against a set of published criteria that will emphasise

the responsiveness, flexibility and transparency that is needed to support ICT

operations and a significant Defence reform agenda.

Defence maintains secure networks supporting some 100,000 users in Australia

and overseas.

Media contacts:

Mark Sjolander (Dr Mike Kelly):

02 6277 4840 or 0407 102 220

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664

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