Defence Ohs Champions At 2008 Srcc Safety Awards

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28th October 2008, 06:38pm - Views: 807

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Issued by Ministerial Support and Public Affairs, Department of Defence, Canberra, ACT

Phone: 02 6265 3343, Fax: 02 62656946

MSPA 350/08

Tuesday, 28 October 2008


Defence was recognised in two categories during the 2008 Safety, Rehabilitation and

Compensation Commission (SRCC) Safety Awards, announced on 23 October 2008.

The SRCC Safety Awards recognise public and private sector agencies and

individuals that have achieved excellence in occupational health, safety, rehabilitation

and return-to-work practices.  This year attracted 46 entries across five categories.

In Category Three: Best Solution to an Identified Workplace Health and Safety

Issue, finalist status was awarded to Defence Support Group South Australia for its

initiative "Flying the Falcons" - an Alternative Approach to Bird Management on a

RAAF Base.

Bird management has been identified as a priority at RAAF Base Edinburgh, South

Australia.  As well as causing damage to infrastructure, communication systems and

the environment, large flocks of little corellas are a serious risk of aircraft bird-strike.

“Flying the Falcons” is a program of sustained flying over a number of weeks by

several peregrine falcons chasing, but not catching, the little corellas and moving

them away from the Base environment.  This environmentally friendly program can

potentially save lives and property, and can be applied at other Defence sites.

In Category Four: Best Individual Contribution to Health and Safety, a High

Commendation was awarded to Lieutenant Commander Tracey Elliott of the Royal

Australian Navy for her new Physical Training and Injury Management Program for

Midshipmen and Cadets at the Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA).

The diverse training regime resulted in increased fitness levels for cadets with reduced

injuries.  The ADFA injury surveillance report showed a 63 per cent reduction in new

injuries from 2006 to 2007. Also of great significance is the reduction in the number

of days lost to medical restriction, with the 2007 program resulting in a 75 per cent

reduction in lost periods over 2006. 

The contribution of Defence OHS Champions is highly valued as the dedication of

these individuals and groups demonstrates the growing commitment to improving

OHS performance within Defence.  

Further information and how to enter in the 2009 Defence OHS Awards is available

Media contact: Defence Media Liaison: 02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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