Minister for Defence
Thursday, 15 October 2009
The Minister for Defence, Senator John Faulkner, today met with the Chinese
Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) Chief of General Staff, General Chen Bingde,
to discuss defence and security issues.
On behalf of the Australian Government, I welcome General Chen particularly
as it demonstrates China and Australias mutual commitment to developing
our bilateral defence relationship, Senator Faulkner said.
I note the progress that has been made in expanding our recent practical
defence and security activities to allow more opportunities both for open
communication and to promote cooperation in areas of shared interests.
Senator Faulkner also said that open dialogue was the foundation for
Australias Defence relationship with China, and to have this exchange on
security issues on a regular basis, with engagement at the peak of both
Defence organisations was extremely valuable.
I enjoyed a full and frank conversation with General Chen and have accepted
an invitation to visit Beijing next year when we will continue to engage on
security and defence matters, Senator Faulkner said.
General Chen was accompanied by a number of senior ranking Chinese
military officers including the Deputy Commanders of the PLA Navy and Air
Force, Vice Admiral Zhang Yongyi and Lieutenant General Zhao Zhongxin.
General Chen is visiting Canberra to participate in Australia and Chinas
annual Defence Strategic Dialogue with the Secretary of Defence and the
Chief of the Defence Force. General Chen will visit a number of Defence
establishments throughout Australia and conduct talks with senior Defence
officials over the next week.
This is the first visit by a PLA Chief of Staff since 2004.
Media note: Imagery will be available at:
Media contacts:
Colin Campbell (John Faulkner):
02 6277 7800 or 0407 787 181
Defence Media Liaison:
02 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664