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14th December 2009, 06:36pm - Views: 755

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Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science

Monday, 14 December 2009



The Final Public Environment Report on Super Hornet flying operations at

RAAF Base Amberley has been submitted to the Department of the

Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts for assessment.

“Following feedback collected during the consultation process from the local

community Defence will implement additional measures to further reduce the

impact of Super Hornet operations at RAAF Amberley,” said Mr Combet. 

“In response to concerns about aircraft noise, Defence will increase the

height that Super Hornets will transit to and from training areas off the coast

of Brisbane to reduce the impacts over the western suburbs.”

“To lessen the impact of night-time activities on the suburbs surrounding

RAAF Base Amberley, Defence has placed further planning restrictions on

night operations. Night flying will be planned to end by 11pm, with no

continuous circuits after 10pm.”

“Once the full complement of Super Hornets has arrived in 2012, Defence will

conduct a review of Super Hornet flying operations. This review will compare

actual flight paths and noise levels with those predicted in the Public

Environment Report,” Mr Combet said.

“Defence will continue to make every effort to manage the impact of aircraft

noise on the local community.”

The Minister for the Environment’s decision on the introduction of the Super

Hornet at RAAF Amberley is expected early next year.

On current planning the first four of Australia’s Super Hornets will arrive at

RAAF Base Amberley in March/April 2010. The remaining aircraft will be

progressively introduced throughout the remainder of 2010 and 2011.

Media Note:

RAAF Super Hornet images are available at:

The final report is available to view at:

Media contacts:

Rod Hilton (Greg Combet):

02 6277 7620 or 0458 276 619

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664

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