Defence Housing Reaches Half Way Point In Delivering Nation Building Homes

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29th March 2010, 06:07pm - Views: 1035

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Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science

Monday, 29 March 2010


Defence Housing reaches half way point

in delivering Nation Building homes

Greg Combet, Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science, today

announced that Defence Housing Australia (DHA) has completed half of the

expected homes to be delivered through the Government’s Nation Building-

Economic Stimulus Plan.

“DHA has focused building these new homes in major regional centres where

there is a strong Defence presence.  The new homes in many of these areas

will help to take the pressure off the local housing markets and provide secure

homes for our Australian Defence Force members and their families,” Mr

Combet said.

“DHA was allocated $245.58 million to build 802 houses throughout Australia

as part of the Federal Government’s stimulus plan.  Due to program

efficiencies an additional 27 houses have been included in the program,

increasing the total to 829 houses.

“Over 420 homes have now been completed and DHA is in a very good

position to finish all 829 houses ahead of time and on budget for this project.”

Minister Combet today said he was very happy with the progress of the

program to date.

“DHA continues to track around three months ahead of schedule on this

construction program, and we expect all 829 houses to be completed in the

first half of next year,” he said

“The DHA Apprenticeship Support Scheme has also been a great success. 

The 20 young apprentices, who were sponsored by DHA in support of the

Government’s objective of job creation, have been learning many new skills

and will be future assets to the residential construction industry.”

The primary function of DHA is to supply housing and related services to

Australian Defence Force members and their families, in line with Defence

operational requirements.  DHA currently manages 17,300 properties across

Australia, worth about $7.8 billion.

Media contacts:

Rod Hilton (Greg Combet):

02 6277 7620 or 0458 276 619

Natalie Cooper (DHA)

0421 040 098

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664

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