Defence Hands Over Regional Ict Support To Unisys

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10th November 2009, 12:00pm - Views: 852

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Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Support

Tuesday, 10 November 2009




The Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Support, the Hon. Dr Mike Kelly AM

MP, today congratulated the Department of Defence for the successful

transitioning of Regional ICT Support services to private industry. 

“Defence Regional ICT Support services in 12 regions are covering over

100,000 desktop computers at 460 Defence bases and sites are now

managed by Unisys Australia after an 18-month transition period,” Dr Kelly


“I am pleased to officially welcome Unisys on board as a strategic partner to

Defence and the Chief Information Officer Group (CIOG).

“Close cooperation between Defence and Unisys meant the transition was

carried out with minimal disruption to services and service levels, and against

a background of significant Defence operational tempo,” Dr Kelly said.

Chief Information Officer, Greg Farr, said that improved service delivery from

CIOG’s decision to outsource regional ICT support has resulted in a 45 per

cent reduction in the number of outstanding jobs. 

“I am confident significantly more benefits will flow through as we work with

Unisys,” Mr Farr said.

Under the contract, Unisys provides a range of IT support services, including

network security and infrastructure support, as well as server and desktop

support to all areas within Defence utilising the Restricted and Secret

networks, and some 350 stand alone IT systems. 

The contract, valued at an estimated A$240 million, has an initial term of five

years following the transition period with the potential for two future contract

extensions, each of two years duration.

A formal contract handover took place today at the Military Communications

and Information Systems (MilCIS) Conference being held in Canberra.

Media contacts:

Mark Sjolander (Dr Mike Kelly):

02 6277 4840 or 0407 102 220

Darryl Johnston: 

0404 823 741 

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664

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