Defence Fairness And Resolution Centres Open For Business

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21st May 2008, 11:54am - Views: 830

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Minister for Defence Science and Personnel

Wednesday, 21 May 2008




Defence Fairness and Resolution Centres are being officially launched around

Australia, the Minister for Defence Science and Personnel, the Hon. Warren

Snowdon MP, announced today.

“Defence has made real progress in overhauling the military justice system,

supported by improvements in the handling of internal complaints and workplace

conflict,” Mr Snowdon said.

“These seven Fairness and Resolution Centres will help Defence advance the

cultural change needed to exclude unacceptable behaviour, harassment and

discrimination from the workplace.

“They will provide ADF and Defence civilians with access to qualified dispute

resolution practitioners for expert advice and assistance about workplace conflict and

other complaints within Defence.

“This proactive way of managing disputes seeks to resolve complaints quickly, at the

local level, through consultation and the use of Alternative Dispute Resolution

processes like conflict coaching, mediation and workplace conferencing wherever


“An added benefit of this approach is that all parties are actively engaged in the

resolution process and outcomes are mutually agreed, reducing the time that

lengthier and more formal grievance processes might take.”

Mr Snowdon added that ADF personnel will always have access to administrative law

provisions and formal complaint resolution procedures should they wish or where

alternative resolution is not appropriate because of the nature of the complaint.

The Fairness and Resolution Centres also administer Defence’s Equity Adviser

network. Equity advisers are embedded throughout Defence to provide advice and

training on workplace equity and diversity and to assist with management of


“The Fairness and Resolution Centres are an important step in building on the

progress made in recent years,” Mr Snowdon said.

Information about Defence’s Fairness and Resolution programs is available at:

Media contacts:

Kate Sieper (Warren Snowdon):

02 6277 7620 or 0488 484 689

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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