Defence Capability Plan 2009 - Supporting Australian Defence Industry

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1st July 2009, 01:10pm - Views: 794

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Minister for Defence


Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science

Wednesday, 1 July 2009




The Minister for Defence, Senator John Faulkner, today released the Defence

Capability Plan 2009 (the DCP) which will strengthen the partnership between

Defence and defence industries to secure Australia’s strategic future.

Senator Faulkner said the Defence Capability Plan (DCP) contains a large

number of opportunities for Australian industry and the Government remains

committed to ensuring that local industry is capable of supporting the

Australian Defence Force (ADF).

The DCP contains a detailed account of major capital equipment proposals

that are planned for Government consideration (either first or second pass

approval) over the period 2009/10 to 2012/13 fiscal years, and foreshadows

substantial demand beyond that period.

“This DCP contains 110 capability projects or phases with a total budget of

over $60 billion which is more than the total expenditure in the 2006-2016

Public DCP,” Senator Faulkner said.

Additionally, there is a summary of some of the major programs expected

beyond 2013.

Senator Faulkner said the average annual growth expected across the next

four years is about 4 percent per annum, translating to nearly 5000 new jobs –

from 29,000 now to nearly 34,000 in four years.

Defence will also update the web based version of the plan around every six

months to reflect government decisions including approval status and

revisions to timing or scope.

Priority Industry Capabilities

In driving a more transparent approach to defence industry planning, Senator

Faulkner announced that additional information about the Priority Industry

Capabilities would be publicly available from today, and PIC’s will be reviewed


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The Government’s concern is that these capabilities remain available within

Australia, including through overseas based companies basing themselves in

Australia or investing in a local workforce and infrastructure.

Planning Information Review

In addition the Government will be commissioning a consultancy to consider

how defence planning information can be more usefully provided to industry.

“The Government will consider how the DCP can be enhanced as a tool for

industry, in the context of the new approach involving five yearly White

Papers,” Senator Faulkner said.

The Government is seeking to improve the content, quality, presentation and

utility of the information made available publicly relating to its current and

forward capability planning. The Government’s objective is to provide the

defence industry with substantive and reliable information about intended

capability acquisitions, to help inform future investment decisions and to

facilitate quality tenders for upcoming projects.

Growth Opportunities

Mr Combet said: “The industry sector charts of this DCP provide clear signals

as to where the growth opportunities are for Australian industry.

“While growth will vary from sector to sector the local expenditure in the

maritime sector for example is projected to grow by over 8 per cent per annum

over the next four years due to projects such as the Air Warfare Destroyer and

the LHD."

"The ever increasing reliance on electronic systems with complex military

equipment will also see a significant increase in local industry expenditure

within the Electronic Systems Sector. It is projected that local expenditure in

the electronics sector will grow by about 4.8 per cent per annum over the next

four years.”

“From modelling that Defence has conducted, this DCP and the ongoing and

new sustainment programs provide strong growth opportunities for Australian

industry,” he said.

A copy of the Defence Capability Plan 2009 can be found at the following link

Media contacts:

Colin Campbell (John Faulkner):

02 6277 7600 or 0407 787 181

Rod Hilton (Greg Combet)

02 6277 4771 or 0458 276 619

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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