Defence Budget Overview

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11th May 2010, 09:32pm - Views: 956

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Minister for Defence

Tuesday, 11 May 2010


Budget 2010-11

Defence budget overview

The Government will continue its strong commitment to Defence through

investment of $25.7 billion in Defence, including an additional $1.1 billion for

operations in 2010-11.

The Australian Government will also invest $1.1 billion for enhanced force

protection capabilities in Afghanistan over the period 2009-10 to 2012-13,

including the acquisition of a Counter-Rocket, Artillery and Mortar sense and

warn capability.

Senator Faulkner said initiatives announced in the 2010 Budget that will result

in spending for 2010-11 include:

$915.6 million for Australia’s commitment to helping bring peace and

stability to Afghanistan and combating global terrorism;

$19.6 million will be provided for Defence to support an increase in

Australian Government civilian officials in Afghanistan through a

dedicated security protection force, and the provision of engineering

and life support to this wider Government contribution.  Excluding

enhanced force protection capabilities, the total cost of Defence

operations in Afghanistan, including funding approved in previous

budgets is $1.126 billion;

$487.1 million for enhanced force protection capabilities and initiatives

in support of deployed forces in Afghanistan;

$9.2 million for the continuation of security to protect the Australian

Embassy in Iraq bringing the total to $13.1 million;

$151.1 million for continued operational commitments in East Timor

bringing the total to $170.0 million;

$42.5 million for continued support to the Regional Assistance Mission

to Solomon Islands; 

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$15.3 million for continued support to coastal surveillance operations;


$13.7 million for the development of a detailed business case for the

relocation of Defence units from Moorebank as part of the proposed

development of the Moorebank Intermodal Terminal.

Due to an improved security environment in East Timor, Defence will make

greater use of Reservists, as is currently the case in Solomon Islands.

Senator Faulkner also outlined the Government’s commitment to continued

reform in Defence. In this coming year, Defence will continue to focus on

efficiency and improved business processes.

The Defence Strategic Reform Program will deliver more than $1 billion in

cost-reductions in 2010-11 for reinvestment in Defence capability. This will

give Australia a stronger, more agile and harder-hitting Defence Force.  This

builds on the cost-reduction of $797 million Defence will achieve in 2009-10.

Defence has also allocated approximately $329 million to the Defence Base

Security Improvement Program from 2010-11 to 2013-14, with approximately

$86 million allocated for expenditure in the 2010-11 financial year and $10.8

million expected to be expended in the 2009-10 financial year.  The Program

was established to implement the recommendations of the Review of Defence

Protective Security Arrangements conducted in August 2009. The Review was

initiated in response to a changing security environment, including an

increased risk of terrorism. 

The Government has also provided $35.2 million over two financial years,

including $13.7 million in 2010-11, for the development of a detailed business

case for the relocation of Defence units from Moorebank to Holsworthy

Barracks as part of the proposed development of the Moorebank Intermodal


This year's budget will also see funding of $6.3 billion for approximately

57,000 full-time ADF personnel, plus recruiting for around 6,000 new full-

time recruits.

At 94 per cent, achievement of the Permanent Force recruiting target has

been one of the best for a decade. At 4641 enlistments, there are 249 more

Permanent Force candidates enlisted to 1 April 2010 than for the same period

last Financial Year.  

While enjoying these excellent recruiting results, the broader ADF is also

experiencing the lowest separation rates in over 20 years. As at 1 April 2010,

the separation rate from the ADF was 7.0 per cent which is 2.7 per cent less

than last year. 

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Throughout the 2010-11 financial year, Defence will be investing a total of

$16.6m to improve mental health services. This will include specialist

workforce, equipment and facility upgrades.

In particular, Defence will spend $0.8m over the 2010-11 financial year to

further improve mental health training and professional development for all

health professionals as a critical step to achieving better quality care for ADF


Defence will be continuing prevention strategies, which includes psychological

resilience training for all ADF members totaling $13.2m in the 2010-11


Defence will also continue to collaborate with the Department of Veterans’

Affairs to determine the protective and risk factors that impact on mental

health issues in the ADF.

The 2010-11 Budget also includes over $1.7 billion in 2010–11 to maintain,

upgrade and build new Defence facilities across Australia. This includes $1.3

billion for approved Defence facilities projects, and over $400 million for

Defence estate upkeep.

Senator Faulkner said, “This is a significant investment in Defence

infrastructure that also invests in jobs and the Australian economy”.

This funding, broken down by state, includes:

New South Wales

$266.5 million in 2010–11 includes:

$99 million for works forming part of the $793.1 million Enhanced Land

Force Facilities Stage 1 project; 

$30.6 million for works forming part of the $1.4 billion Enhanced Land

Force Facilities Stage 2 project; and 

$7.2 million in 2010–11 for approved medium capital works facilities

totals at the Joint Logistics Command Depot (Eden) and Victoria

Barracks (Sydney).


$147.6 million in 2010–11 includes:

$36.9 million for work at Puckapunyal as part of the $793.1 million

Enhanced Land Force Facilities Stage 1 project;

$18.7 million for work at Watsonia as part of the $1.4 billion Enhanced

Land Force Facilities Stage 2 project; and

A total of $2.9 million in 2010–11 for approved medium capital works

facilities at RAAF Base East Sale, for DSTO in Melbourne and at

Victoria Barracks (Melbourne).

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$601.8 million in 2010–11 includes:

$279.6 million for works forming part of the $1.4 billion Enhanced Land

Force Facilities Stage 2 project; 

$121.4 million for works in 2010–11 as part of the $793.1 million

Enhanced Land Force Facilities Stage 1 project; 

$38.7 million in 2010–11 for works under the $331.5 million RAAF Base

Amberley Redevelopment Stage 3 project;

$27.8 million in 2010–11 to continue work on the $207.2 million

Lavarack Barracks Redevelopment Stage 4 project;

$18 million in 2010–11 for various approved medium capital works at

the Shoal Water Bay Training Area, Oakey, and at Lavarack Barracks

in Townsville; and

$17.5 million in 2010–11 for the $110.1 million Australian Super Hornet

Facilities project.

South Australia

$268 million in 2010–11 includes:

$159 million in 2010–11 for work to continue on the $597.4 million

Hardened and Network Army Facilities project at the Edinburgh

Defence Precinct and Murray Bridge Training Area;

$50 million for work to proceed on the $99.6 million RAAF Base

Edinburgh Redevelopment Stage 2 project; and

$15 million for work to proceed at RAAF Base Edinburgh on the

$793.1 million Enhanced Land Force Facilities Stage 1 project.

Western Australia

$88.6 million in 2010–11 includes:

$32 million in 2010–11 to continue work on the $142.2 million RAAF

Base Pearce Redevelopment Stage 1 project; and

$7 million in 2010–11 will be spent on approved medium capital works

facilities at Campbell Barracks and the Bindoon Training Range.

Northern Territory

$214.2 million in 2010–11 includes:

$42.8 million for the $72.1 million Robertson Barracks Redevelopment


$40.9 million for work at RAAF Base Tindal as part of the $64.2 million

Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircraft Facilities project;

$36 million in 2010–11 for work to continue on the $58.7 million RAAF

Base Tindal Redevelopment Stage 5 project;

$25 million for work on the $49.8 million RAAF Base Darwin

Redevelopment Stage 2 project; and

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$16.9 million in 2010–11 for approved medium capital works facilities at

Shoal Bay as part of the $12.3 million Receiving Station Facilities

upgrade and at Darwin as part of the $10.7 million Naval Fuel

Installation Rectification project.

Australian Capital Territory

$165.4 million in 2010–11 includes:

$58.5 million in the 2010–11 Budget for works at HMAS Harman as

part of the $129.2 million Defence Facilities at HMAS Harman and

Other Locations project;

$35 million at HMAS Creswell as part of the $83.6 million HMAS

Creswell redevelopment project;

$18.2 million at Majura Field Training Area and $9.6 million at the

Royal Military College, Duntroon, for works forming part of the $1.4

billion Enhanced Land Force Facilities Stage 2 project; 

$11.6 million in the 2010–11 for works at the Australian Defence Force

Academy as part of the $34.7 million Living-in Accommodation

Refurbishment project; and

$6.7 million in 2010–11 for approved medium capital works facilities at

the Defence Computing Bureau, Deakin and Tuggeranong, as part of

the $13.3 million Defence Computing Data Centres—Infrastructure

Upgrades project.


$4.7 million in 2010–11 for Defence estate upkeep, including:

Remediation of asbestos in facilities at Anglesea Barracks;

Environmental monitoring in accordance with legislation at Buckland

Training Area; and

Refurbishment of the electrical reticulation system at Derwent


Media contacts:

Colin Campbell (John Faulkner):

02 6277 7800 or 0407 787 181

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664

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