Cyber Security Operations Centre Officially Opened

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15th January 2010, 01:59pm - Views: 823

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Minister for Defence

Friday, 15 January 2010



The Minister for Defence, Senator John Faulkner, today officially opened Defence’s

new Cyber Security Operations Centre in Canberra.

“The establishment of the Cyber Security Operations Centre within the Defence

Signals Directorate (DSD) is a major step in meeting the Government’s 2009

Defence White Paper commitment to provide comprehensive understanding of the

cyber threat,” Senator Faulkner said.

“Cyber security is one of the Government’s top national security priorities and the

Cyber Security Operations Centre is a key part of a national cyber security initiative

set by Government. Cyber attacks on Government and critical infrastructure

constitute a real threat to Australia’s national interest.” 

Two other cyber security measures were announced in the 2009-10 Budget - the

creation of the new national computer emergency response team, CERT Australia

and a study for the reduction in the number of Australian Government internet


The Cyber Security Operations Centre will develop capabilities to gain an edge in the

cyber space domain and provide critical understanding of the cyber threat from

sophisticated cyber attack.

Senator Faulkner said: “The Cyber Security Operations Centre is well placed in the

Defence Signals Directorate. It fits naturally with the DSD’s important role as the

Commonwealth national authority on information security, providing government with

protective security advice and assistance.”

The Cyber Security Operations Centre will have at its disposal the DSD’s high

powered computing resources and advanced analytic techniques. 

“The Cyber Security Operations Centre will employ around 130 highly-skilled

information technology experts, engineers and analysts drawn from the DSD. There

will also be representatives from the Defence Intelligence Organisation and the ADF

and scientists from the Defence Science and Technology Organisation as well as

representation from the Attorney-General’s Department, ASIO and the AFP,” Senator

Faulkner said.

Media Note:

Further information about the DSD and the Cyber Security Operations Centre is

available at:

Supporting imagery will be available from

Supporting vision will be fed to networks at Parliament House this afternoon.

Media contacts:

Colin Campbell (John Faulkner):

02 6277 7800 or 0407 787 181

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664

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