Completion Of Maintenance Contract For F-111 Fleet

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4th November 2009, 05:21pm - Views: 834

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Acting Minister for Defence 

Wednesday, 4 November 2009




Greg Combet, Acting Minister for Defence, today announced the completion of

the deeper maintenance contract for the Air Force F-111 fleet.

“Since the F-111 was introduced it has flown over 160,000 hours. To help it

achieve this Air Force and Defence Industry collectively completed over 300

routine deeper maintenance servicings that have included removal of wings,

engines, undercarriage and other major components for overhaul or

replacement,” said Mr Combet.

“The maintenance systems introduced with the F-111 aircraft have been a

mainstay of Defence and industry’s high-tech support capabilities for well over

35 years.” 

“Over that time, many engineers and technicians within the Air Force and

industry have developed their skills and experience in support of the F-111.

These skills will be also used in support of the Air Force’s newer platforms.” 

“Aircraft A8-135, which was handed back to 82 Wing today, was the final F-111

to undergo deeper maintenance servicing and the completion of this program

will ensure that the F-111 fleet remains fully capable until the Super Hornets

come on-line.”

“Through it’s involvement with the F-111, Boeing has made a significant

contribution to the aircraft’s legacy.”

Boeing Defence has undertaken the F-111 Deeper Maintenance Capability for

the Air Force since August 2001.

A ceremony was held today at RAAF Amberley to mark the completion of the


Media Contact:

Rod Hilton (Greg Combet): 

(02) 6277 7620 or 0458 276 619

Defence Public Affairs:

(02) 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664

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