Combined Joint Personnel Complete Keynote Amphibious Landing

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15th July 2009, 07:07pm - Views: 788

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Issued by Ministerial Support and Public Affairs, Department of Defence, Canberra, ACT

Phone: 02 6265 3343, Fax: 02 62656946

MSPA 216/09

Wednesday, 15 July 2009



The interoperability of the Australian and U.S. military forces was on display as amphibious

ships and landing craft streamed onto Freshwater Beach in the Shoalwater Bay Training Area

in the early morning hours today.

Looming out of the darkness, amphibious assault units deployed as part of Exercise Talisman

Saber 2009.

US Marine Corporal Nathan Blackwood, who was with the first wave ashore, enjoyed the

opportunity to work down under and was very excited to work with the Australians.  He

believes the training will be a great asset to everyone as his team has yet to deploy.

US and Australian troops pushed onto the beach from the amphibious assault ship USS Essex,

located off the coast of Shoalwater Bay.  The joint team consisted of ground, command, air

and combat support elements from the Essex Amphibious Ready Group.

Essex's commanding officer, US Navy Captain Brent Canady, said Talisman Saber is an

important exercise for both countries.

“Australia is one of our most strategic partners and it’s an opportunity for us to work on our

interoperability and practice our coalition with the Australians,” Captain Canady said.


“So, if the time ever arises on short notice, we’ve already got the relationships built so we can

just come together quickly and execute whatever mission we are assigned.”

Media note:

Still imagery is available at

Vision has been fed to Federal Parliament House

The Media Compile includes night vision of vehicles driving ashore, imagery of U.S. Navy

Landing Craft Air-Cushioned hovercrafts gliding across the sea and the offloading of US

Marines and equipment onto Freshwater Beach.  Also included are various aircraft arriving

and departing USS Essex, as well as interviews with US Navy Captain Brent Canady and US

Marines from the 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, battalion landing team for the 31st

Marine Expeditionary Unit.

The biennial exercise incorporates three additional, large-scale training scenarios, comprising

close combat training at the Urban Operations Training Facility and two parachute airdrops.

Media contact:

Combined Joint Information Bureau: 1800 639 726

Defence Media Liaison: 02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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