Combet Speaks To Defence And Industry Study Course Graduates

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31st October 2008, 10:58am - Views: 853

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Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Procurement

Friday, 31 October 2008




Greg Combet, Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Procurement, spoke to

members participating in the final module of the 2008 Defence and Industry

Study Course (DISC) in Sydney last night.

Comprising representatives from defence industry, the ADF and the public

sector, the DISC has been developed to enhance the understanding of

Defence Force acquisition and sustainment strategies.

“The DISC outlines how Defence identifies its needs and how it goes about

acquiring its equipment. By participating in this course members gain a

greater understanding of how Defence does business”, Mr Combet said.

“The primary aim of the course is to enhance the mutual understanding

between Defence and industry and to create better business and personal

networks that might be used in times of rapid ADF mobilisation and


“I am impressed with the objectives of the course, and with the ongoing

support that is has received from industry, the ADF and the public sector – all

these groups need to work constructively together to achieve the primary

outcome of capability and sustainment to the ADF”.

“It is an extremely interesting time to be involved in Defence procurement. 

Over the next 10 to 15 years the ADF will be replacing over 80% of its

warfighting assets. The Government is also set to spend $100 billion over the

next decade to buy and maintain the equipment the ADF needs”.


Mr Combet added that he was pleased that the DISC focused on the

importance of getting projects delivered on time and on budget.

There are 52 participants on the 2008 DISC comprising senior members of

the ADF, Defence employees and senior managers of companies in business

with Defence. 

Further information on DISC can be found at

Media contacts:

Rod Hilton (Greg Combet):

02 6277 4771 or 0458 276 619

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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