Combet Reviews Infantry Training In The Hunter

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4th September 2009, 03:00pm - Views: 775

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Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science

Friday, 4 September 2009



Greg Combet, Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science, today

observed infantry soldiers going through their paces at the School of Infantry

in Singleton.

Mr Combet received a progress brief on the $40 million upgrade to Lone Pine

Barracks, reinforcing the Government’s commitment to the Hunter region.

“The upgrade to these Barracks will cater for the significant increase in

trainees attending the school, which has more than doubled its output since

2005,” Mr Combet said.

“The facilities to be built or upgraded at the base include new trainee

accommodation, integrated health facilities, a training support headquarters,

gymnasium and an urban operations training facility.”

After inspecting some emerging capability weapons systems, Mr Combet

observed soldiers practising urban operations drills and was impressed by the

soldiers’ level of professionalism, teamwork and dedication to ‘Duty First’ – the

Regimental motto.

“Army as a whole is continuing to expand its numbers to 30,000 by 2016

under the Enhanced Land Force (ELF) initiatives,” Mr Combet said.

“Under ELF, the School of Infantry has been earmarked for a two-stage

upgrade program over a 10-year period, with stage one currently underway

and due for completion in 2011.  This will provide enormous benefits for the

Hunter region in terms of commercial opportunities for local businesses.

“The millions of dollars to be spent upgrading local Defence assets support

the Rudd Government’s recognition of the Hunter region as one of the Priority

Employment Areas around the nation.

“The investment in the Infantry School also supports other government

initiatives that support employment in the Hunter, such as the recent

appointment of a Local Employment Coordinator.”

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Media contacts:

Rod Hilton (Greg Combet):

02 6277 4771 or 0458 276 619

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