Combet Opens Ultra Precision Centre In Melbourne

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29th August 2008, 03:41pm - Views: 846

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Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Procurement

Friday, 29 Aug 2008




Greg Combet, Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Procurement, today officially

opened Rosebank Engineering’s Ultra Precision Centre in Bayswater in Victoria.

The Ultra Precision Centre is a leading edge metal engineering facility with the

capability to support military platforms including the F-111, F/A-18 Hornet and AP-3C

Orion aircraft, as well as helicopters and emerging capabilities such as the Global

Hawk and other Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.

“Rosebank Engineering is an Australian-owned high technology small-to-medium

enterprise that provides Defence with specialised services in fine mechanisms and

precision hydraulics used in aircraft mechanical and structural components,” Mr

Combet said.

“Rosebank Engineering’s precision grinding and hydraulics skills have allowed

Australia to keep its F-111 aircraft flying.  Rosebank’s investment in the Ultra

Precision Centre with the latest sophisticated precision capabilities will allow the

company to support the newest and latest technologies being introduced by the


The Ultra Precision Centre has the capability for sub-micron machining and finishing

down to tolerances of approximately 1/300th of a human hair.

It incorporates:

High-specification clean rooms with temperature and humidity environmental

controls and air pressure/filtering to keep the rooms dust free;

A unique under-floor, pneumatically supported, concrete inertia beam designed to

provide a vibration-isolated platform for precision machine tools; and 

Facilities for analysis and testing of hydraulic flight controls.

Another of Rosebank Engineering’s state-of-the-art capabilities is Supersonic Particle

Deposition.  This is an advanced technique for applying corrosion protective coatings

whereby metal alloy coatings are deposited onto metal substrates at supersonic

speeds without significant heating of the spray powder or the substrate.

Media contacts:

Rod Hilton (Greg Combet): 

02 6277 4771 or 0458 276 619

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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