Combet Inspects New Defence Housing In Townsville

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28th August 2009, 01:18pm - Views: 794

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Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science

Friday, 28 August 2009




The Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science, the Hon Greg Combet

MP, today visited a Defence housing construction site in Townsville, as part of the

Nation Building-Economic Stimulus Plan.

“These new homes are just some of the 118 Defence houses being built in

Townsville over the next two years by Defence Housing Australia (DHA), as part

of the Stimulus Plan,” Mr Combet said.

“The constructions are injecting over $31.8m into Townsville businesses and the

local construction industry. It is also directly creating over 85 local jobs and

indirectly benefitting many more.”

Prospero Homes and local builders Darryl Boggotto Constructions, Ron Jones

The Builder and Peter Breen Constructions are building these Defence houses.

“These companies pride themselves on using local sub-contractors and materials

when possible.  They are generating and maintaining local jobs by employing

local people, who are then giving back to the community,” Mr Combet said.

“There are 26 houses already completed in Townsville and handed over to DHA. 

These houses will be provided to Australian Defence Force (ADF) members and

their families, who are posted to the Townsville area.”

DHA has created an Apprenticeship Support Scheme to complement the extra

construction generated by the Rudd Government’s Nation Building and Economic

Stimulus Plan.

“Four apprentices are employed as part of the scheme in Townsville.  They have

been working on Defence houses since July and DHA is providing half of their

wage for the full four years of their apprenticeship.”

DHA supplies housing and related services to Australian Defence Force

members and their families in line with Defence operational requirements.  DHA

currently manages 17,300 properties across Australia, worth about $7.6 billion.

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