Combet Congratulates Defence 2020 Students

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11th September 2008, 01:30pm - Views: 828

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Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Procurement

Thursday, 11 September 2008



Greg Combet, Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Procurement, has praised

the work of around 80 senior secondary school students attending the

Defence 2020 Youth Challenge Forum in Newcastle today.

Mr Combet was the special guest of the event, which asked students to

deliberate on the question, ‘Is the Australian Defence Force a responsible


“This is an important issue to be discussed by young Australians, particularly

as the Navy, Army and Air Force are such vital members of the Australian

community in so many different locations across the country,” Mr Combet


“I have been impressed by the dynamic nature of the students’ involvement in

the discussion and workshops and also want to congratulate the input of those

members of the Australian Defence Force (ADF) who attended the Forum.

They were able to provide valuable on-the-spot advice from their own

personal experiences,” he said.  

Schools attending the Newcastle event included All Saints College, St

Joseph’s Campus; Belmont High School; Callaghan College; Hunter School of

Performing Arts; Hunter Valley Grammar School; Toomaree High School; and

Tuggerah Lakes College Berkeley Vale and Tumbi Umbi.

“The challenge for the ADF over coming years is to maintain and build upon

its high degree of acceptance and visibility amongst the wider community,” Mr

Combet said.

“To that end, there is a requirement for the organisation to inform and educate

school students and so demystify the workings of the Services; improve its

interaction with Governments; and cement the role of the Navy, Army and Air

Force in the hearts and minds of mainstream Australians.

“The Defence 2020 program illustrates how the ADF shares the values and

principles that underpin our community,” he concluded.

Media contacts:

Rod Hilton (Greg Combet):

02 6277 4771 or 0458 276 619

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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