Combet Chairs Industry Roundtable In Adelaide

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1st July 2008, 04:46pm - Views: 852

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Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Procurement

Tuesday, 1 July 2008



Greg Combet, Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Procurement, today

chaired a roundtable meeting with representatives of the South Australian

Government, unions and the defence industry sector.

“To ensure the Australian Defence Force is properly equipped to protect

Australia’s people and interests, the Government has committed to growing

the defence budget at an average of three per cent in real terms in every year

to 2017-18, an additional two years beyond earlier announcements,” Mr

Combet said.

“However a number of problems such as skills shortages, an ageing

workforce and barriers to entry to the defence market are making it difficult to

increase our industry capacity to meet the growing demand.

“The Roundtable provides the opportunity for stakeholders to provide their

ideas on how to overcome such problems directly to me and to Defence. 

Defence and industry need to work together if Australian companies are to

provide the support the ADF needs.

“It is very important that stakeholders such as state governments, unions and

large and small defence companies all get an opportunity to comment on and

contribute to defence industry policy settings,” Mr Combet said.

“The Government has made it clear that we will not be returning to industry

policy of old, meaning there will be no offsets or mandatory local content

rules.  The Government expects industry to be competitive and able to deliver

the capabilities needed by the ADF.

“The Government is keen to hear from the industry about how to address the

challenges they face and how we can help them increase their productivity so

they remain competitive.

“State Governments have a vital role to play when it comes to the provision of

infrastructure and skills training and I am pleased that the Deputy Premier of

South Australia, Kevin Foley, was able to attend and hear from those around

the table,” said Mr Combet.

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Mr Combet also discussed with the participants a number of initiatives

implemented by the Rudd Labor Government over the last six months that

would benefit defence industry including:

Australian Industry Capability Program to help local competitive Australian

companies access the global supply chains of large defence companies;

The Defence and Industry ePortal to help the Australian defence industry

advertise its capabilities to customers and other suppliers both within and

outside of Australia;

Defence Export Unit to help Australian Defence Industry take their

products to the international market;

Measures to combat the skills shortage including $1.9 billion over the next

five years to fund up to 630,000 new training places, and $2.5 billion over

the next decade to establish Trade Training Centres in secondary schools;


Enterprise Connect and Manufacturing Centres to help Industry find and

adopt the latest technology, get help in solving problems and adopt new

business processes.

“The Government is currently considering a number of further initiatives

designed to help industry address the challenges they face and expected

some announcements would be made later this year following further

consultation with the industry and relevant stakeholders,” said Mr Combet.

However, Mr Combet added that “Government expects all defence companies

and the unions to play a major role in addressing the challenges facing

defence industry and not to just sit back and expect Government to provide all

of the answers.”

The Roundtable consisted of about 20 participants including representatives

from the large prime contractors as well as small- and medium-sized

companies, industry associations, unions and the State Government.

Media contacts:

Rod Hilton (Greg Combet):

02 6277 4771 or 0458 276 619

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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