Chief Of The Defence Force Thanks Nick Warner

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13th August 2009, 07:56pm - Views: 804

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Issued by Ministerial Support and Public Affairs, Department of Defence, Canberra, ACT

Phone: 02 6127 1999, Fax: 02 6265 6946

MSPA 264/09

Thursday, 13 August 2009


The Chief of the Defence Force, Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston, today paid tribute

to the outgoing Secretary of the Department of Defence, Mr Nick Warner, and

welcomed the appointment of Dr Ian Watt to the position.

Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston said Mr Warner was a very generous and

committed partner in the Defence diarchy.

“Nick and I have enjoyed a very close and trusting relationship and I have valued his

wise counsel and friendship,” Air Chief Marshal Houston said.

“Nick brought a great policy capability to the Department after so many years as a

successful diplomat.  He leaves a very important legacy including the 2009 White

Paper and the Strategic Reform Program.

“Nick’s great passion and tenacity in driving reform in Defence has been critical. 

Under his leadership Defence received the first unqualified financial audit in seven

years and he has continued to improve governance.

“He has been courageous and transparent in articulating a range of areas where

Defence could improve and has driven a program that will, over time, remediate these


“The 10-year Strategic Reform Program will deliver the savings that are essential to

the delivery of Force 2030.”

Air Chief Marshal Houston said Mr Warner was very much a team player and worked

very well with the Service Chiefs and the military side of Defence.

“Nick is a highly professional, loyal and committed public servant.  I look forward to

continuing to work with him in the national security domain where his skills and

intelligence will be highly valued,” Air Chief Marshal Houston said.

Air Chief Marshal Houston also welcomed the appointment of Dr Watt as the new

Secretary of the Department of Defence.

“I congratulate Dr Watt on his appointment and I look forward to working with him to

deliver results for the Defence organisation, its people and the Government,” Air

Chief Marshal Houston said.

Media contact: Defence Media Liaison: 02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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