Cemetry Site Chosen For Wwi Soldiers' Burial

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4th October 2008, 09:34am - Views: 824

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Minister for Defence Science and Personnel

Saturday, 4 October 2008



Minister for Defence Science and Personnel, the Hon Warren Snowdon MP, and his

British counterpart, Minister for Veterans and Under-Secretary for Defence, the Hon

Derek Twigg, today announced that up to 400 First World War soldiers buried in mass

graves at Pheasant Wood, Fromelles, would be recovered and re-interred in a new


Mr Snowdon said that in consultation with the Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, the Hon Alan

Griffin MP, the recommendation made by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission

that the current burial site at Pheasant Wood is unsuitable for a cemetery due to water-

logging was accepted.

The decision is the culmination of discussions since June this year when a preliminary

excavation at Pheasant Wood confirmed the presence of WWI Australian and British


Mr Snowdon met this week with the Mayor of Fromelles, Mr Hubert Huchette and with the

French Secretary of State for Defence and Veterans Affairs, Jean-Marie Bockel in Paris.

“The preferred site chosen and agreed to for the new cemetery is diagonally opposite the

village church at Fromelles, overlooking the battlefield to the west and within line of sight

of the original burial ground at Pheasant Wood,” said Mr Snowdon.

“The new cemetery will be a place of remembrance, of commemoration and of pilgrimage

for all Australians and was chosen with the approval of the French Government and the

local community at Fromelles.”

Responsibility for the planning, design and construction lies with the Commonwealth War

Graves Commission.

The tender for the exhumation of the remains at Pheasant Wood will also be the

responsibility of the Commission acting on behalf of the Australian and British


“We anticipate that the work on the new cemetery will commence by mid-year 2009,” said

Mr Twigg.

“It is also planned that the original burial ground, generously donated by Madame

Demassiet earlier this year, will bear a memorial in perpetuity.”

An image of the burial ground is available on the Defence website here:

The Australian Army will continue to keep the public updated through its dedicated

website www.defence.gov.au/fromelles and will alert users to the release of tender

documents via this channel.

Media contacts:

Kate Sieper (Warren Snowdon):

02 6277 7620 or 0488 484 689

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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