Budget 2009-10: Defence Savings Initiatives

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12th May 2009, 09:33pm - Views: 789

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Minister for Defence

Tuesday, 12 May 2009


BUDGET 2009-10


The Minister for Defence Joel Fitzgibbon today announced further details of

the Defence Strategic Reform Program.  This program is a key element of

the Government’s financial plan to fund the force structure, readiness,

sustainment, personnel, infrastructure and other objectives outlined in the

2009 Defence White Paper.  

The Government’s financial plan for Defence includes the Strategic Reform

Program, other savings initiatives, our existing commitment to grow the

Defence Budget by 3 per cent average real growth until 2017-18 followed

by 2.2 percent average real growth to 2029-30, and a new indexation


The Strategic Reform Program and other initiatives will deliver savings of

around $20 billion over the decade, which includes approximately $5 billion

over the forward estimates.  The success of this program will depend upon

fundamental changes to policy, practices and culture across the department.    

Mr Fitzgibbon said the Defence Strategic Reform Program would deliver

significant savings to Defence and ensure the affordability of initiatives in the

White Paper. 

The Strategic Reform Program will change the way Defence does business,

and will draw on detailed analysis of every aspect of Defence, including

strategic planning, managing major cost pressures, capability, logistics and

workforce management, amongst other areas.  Money saved through this

Program will be reinvested into priority Defence programs and capability

acquisitions.  This reinvestment provides an enormous incentive for Defence

to achieve the $20 billion worth of savings.  The Program will also improve

Defence planning and accountability arrangements, while significantly

enhancing productivity.  The program will establish a blueprint for the Australian

Defence Force to become the world’s most productive Defence Force.  

Defence will reform its costing methodology to more accurately forecast major

acquisition costs, improve the governance and oversight of cost estimates,

and implement more efficient business practices.  In response to the Defence

Procurement and Sustainment Review, the Government has also directed

Defence to implement a 20-point plan to make Defence equipment acquisition

and sustainment more business-like.  

Key reforms to Defence business practices that will generate savings include:

Government Defence Defence Public Affairs 3 image

Reforms to the design of the military support backbone, including

supply chain and inventory management and military equipment

maintenance.  These efficiencies will deliver savings of approximately

$1.5 billion in saving across the forward estimates and $5.5 billion

across the decade.  

The creation of more efficient enterprise support functions, such as the

information and communications technology infrastructure, reducing the

use of contractors and providing more centralised support to the ADF. 

These efficiencies will deliver savings of approximately $0.5 billion

across the forward estimates and $3.5 billion across the decade.  

The Defence workforce will be rebalanced to ensure that we have the

people with the right skills in the right jobs.  Our highly trained military

members will focus their skills where they are most needed and,

wherever possible, expensive contractor positions will be converted

to Australian Public Service positions.  These efficiencies will deliver

savings of approximately $0.5 billion across the forward estimates

and $2 billion across the decade.  

Defence will reduce input costs to doing business, including

non-equipment procurement.  These costs can be reduced through

changing Defence’s approach to business.  Examples include

procuring more competitively priced products and making greater

use of Defence’s extensive videoconference network rather than

undertaking single-day travel.  These efficiencies will deliver savings

to Defence of approximately $1 billion over the forward estimates

and $4.5 billion over the decade.  

Defence will make further savings through a range of other initiatives,

including more effective major equipment procurement practices

through the implementation of the Mortimer Review.  These savings will

deliver saving to Defence of approximately $1.5 billion over the forward

estimates and $5 billion over the decade.

The range of savings planned in this Budget will be drawn from comprehensive

efficiencies in administrative, sustainment, workforce, estate, and ICT functions.

“This savings program is achievable but requires a firm commitment to

implementing these reforms.  Defence must manage its budget better in the

future and deliver improved taxpayer value for Defence dollars,” said

Mr Fitzgibbon.

The Government will closely monitor the implementation of the Strategic

Reform Program.  As part of the recently announced five-yearly White Paper

cycle, the Government will direct an independent audit be undertaken to

ensure that Defence remains on track and that reform is enduring.

“Most importantly, these changes will enable the White Paper to be delivered

in full.  We are constantly looking to ensure every Defence dollar is spent well,

investing in the Defence Force we need,” Mr Fitzgibbon said.

Media contacts:

Christian Taubenschlag (Joel Fitzgibbon):

02 6277 7800 or 0438 595 567

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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