Budget 2009-10: Defence Remediation

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12th May 2009, 09:33pm - Views: 826

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Minister for Defence

Tuesday, 12 May 2009


BUDGET 2009-10


The Minister for Defence Joel Fitzgibbon affirmed today that the Rudd

Government would invest approximately $30 billion over the decade to fill

the holes in the Defence budget that have been inherited from the former


“The former Government failed to recognise that funding Defence capabilities

is far more complex than simply the purchase price of new equipment,”

Mr Fitzgibbon said.

These shortfalls are a direct result of the failings of the past Government,

which did not properly fund a wide range of critical support areas across

Defence or accurately calculate the costs of maintaining and operating major

military equipment.  The Defence White Paper process undertook detailed

examination of all major aspects of the Defence organisation, and revealed

areas that had previously been significantly under-funded and required

remediation.  The remediation will occur across three main areas; the Defence

Capability Plan (DCP), budget provisions and the enterprise backbone.

The Government will invest almost $6 billion over the next decade to

remediate the DCP, which includes almost $1 billion within the forward

estimates.  The DCP remediation fills critical equipment and capability gaps

that were not previously budgeted for.  This includes acquiring both new

technology and replacing current equipment that is reaching obsolescence. 

Examples include ensuring that the Navy has Mini Typhoon self defence

systems for the ANZAC frigates, new mortar weapons for Army and the

replacement of Heavy Landing Craft and Ocean-going tugs.

The Government will invest almost $18 billion over the course of the next

decade to remediate budget provisions within Defence; this includes over

$4 billion dollars over the forward estimates.  The remediation of Budget

provisions involves the unavoidable costs associated with maintaining the

current force where no, or inadequate, budget provisions had been made in

the past.  The largest example being the Net Personnel and Operating

(NPOC) costs for the operation and sustainment of major equipment, which

includes fuel, personnel wages, spare parts, maintenance and facilities

upkeep.  The NPOC shortfall totals almost $10 billion over the decade.

The Government will invest almost $6 billion over the next decade to

remediate the enterprise backbone; this includes over $1 billion dollars over

the forward estimates.  The support backbone involves remediating critical

support areas of Defence that have been run-down over recent years,

including the Defence estate and information and communications technology

(ICT) systems.

One example of the remediation required in this area is the Townsville wharf. 

Townsville is one of two primary locations for mounting Australian Defence

Force operations, and will be essential for the loading and offloading of the

Navy’s Landing Helicopter Dock ships when they enter service from 2014.  

The requirement for a berth that could accommodate the new ships was

deliberately not planned or funded by the former Government thereby hiding

future costs associated with the Landing Helicopter Docks ships.

Media contacts:

Christian Taubenschlag (Joel Fitzgibbon):

02 6277 7800 or 0438 595 567

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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