Budget 2009-10: Defence Budget Overview

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12th May 2009, 09:33pm - Views: 800

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Minister for Defence

Tuesday, 12 May 2009


BUDGET 2009-10


The Minister for Defence Joel Fitzgibbon announced today that the Rudd

Government will fund the 2009 Defence White Paper and deliver Force 2030

through a robust financial plan.  

Defence will have a new funding model that will provide greater long-term

funding certainty and ensure that Defence has the funds it needs when it

needs them.  This funding model will impose discipline on Defence spending

and remediate the chronic under-funding that has been inherited from the

previous Government, while ensuring Defence can purchase the military

equipment outlined in the White Paper and properly support Australia’s

serving women and men.  

The Government will also implement a significant program of reform, aimed at

cutting wasteful Defence spending while providing long-term funding certainty

so that Defence can run its budget more efficiently in the future.  Efficiencies

and savings generated by the Strategic Reform Program and other initiatives

will drive deep changes to policy, practices and culture within Defence and

deliver around $20 billion in savings across the decade.  These savings will

be reinvested into priority Defence programs and capability acquisitions.  This

reinvestment provides an enormous incentive for Defence to achieve the

$20 billion worth of savings.  

“The Strategic Reform Program, announced as part of the White Paper

process, will achieve greater efficiency and implement improved business

processes across areas such as non-equipment procurement, improved

inventory management and information and communications technology (ICT)

reform,” Mr Fitzgibbon said.

The White Paper sets out some $43 billion worth of new initiatives over the

decade.  These will be met in full by:  

Continuing our commitment to growing the underlying Defence budget

by 3 per cent average real growth to 2017-18, as promised in the

2008-09 Budget, followed by 2.2 per cent average real growth to


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Fixed indexation at 2.5 per cent each year to 2029-30, the target

for consumer price inflation agreed by the Australian Government and

the Reserve Bank of Australia, for the purposes of Defence planning.

The new Defence indexation arrangements will avoid year-to-year

volatility in the Defence budget, caused by fluctuating short-term

inflation movements.  Previous arrangements have undermined stable

Defence planning and budget management across a full range of


A program of reform, efficiencies and savings that will generate around

$20 billion worth of savings over 10 years.

These combined measures will result in Defence receiving approximately

$146 billion of additional funding across the life of the White Paper to 2030. 

This fully covers off the capability and other funding requirements set out in

the Defence White Paper.

The Government has also committed to: 

Continued no-win, no-loss arrangements for net additional costs of

overseas operations and foreign exchange risks, to assist in Defence

planning and in meeting real Defence costs.

The transfer of funding for the Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO)

Service Fee from the Defence appropriation to the DMO direct


Defence meeting any shortfalls against the White Paper funding plan

through internal efficiencies.

The range of savings planned in this Budget will be drawn from

comprehensive efficiencies in administrative, sustainment, workforce, estate,

and ICT functions. Out of Defence's total effort on savings, reprioritisation

and reprogramming, $2 billion will be returned to the Federal Budget over the

forward estimates.  These funds will be returned to Defence beyond 2015-16

in line with revised funding needs.

“Over the decade, Defence will receive approximately $308 billion under the

Government’s new financial plan.  The task of delivering on the Government’s

new White Paper commitments has already begun,” Mr Fitzgibbon stated


“The coming year will see important investments in projects and initiatives that

will deliver on our promises.”

Mr Fitzgibbon said funding for the White Paper initiatives for 2009-10 include:

Key capability acquisitions and projects such as artillery systems,

replacement of light vehicles, upgraded rifles and enhancements to

ADF command and control systems, satellite communications

capability and counter-Improvised Explosive Device (IED) initiatives;

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Commencing work on a Cyber Security Operations Centre that will

monitor threats and provide response assistance across Government

and critical private sector systems and infrastructure;

Improvements to Defence Science and Technology Organisation

(DSTO) facilities, including to the Missile Simulation Centre;

Remediation of Defence’s ICT;

Pay improvements for non-commissioned soldiers, sailors, air men and


Recruitment and workforce stabilisation initiatives for the Navy; 

Improvements to ADF healthcare; 

Greater flexibility in ADF housing and accommodation, enhancement to

mental health care, remuneration and assistance to families; and

Remediation of ageing power, water and sewerage infrastructure

across our Defence bases, and refurbishment of old working and live-in


The Government will deliver a public Defence Capability Plan (DCP) later this

year.  The DCP will provide further information on the profile of White Paper


Mr Fitzgibbon reaffirmed the Government’s commitment to reform in Defence

to ensure that Australia gets the best Defence Force our money can buy, and

improved value for the tax payer over the long term.  It will also see the

beginning of the reforms that will fund the White Paper and deliver Force 2030.  

Media contacts:

Christian Taubenschlag (Joel Fitzgibbon):

02 6277 7800 or 0438 595 567

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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