Border Protection Command Intercepts Vessel 1

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11th January 2010, 02:25pm - Views: 802
Border Protection Command Intercepts Vessel

Border Protection Command yesterday (Sunday) intercepted a suspected irregular entry vessel.

HMAS Bathurst, operating under the control of Border Protection Command, intercepted the vessel on 10 January at approximate 6:35pm (AEDST) 4.8 nautical miles north of Christmas Island.

Initial indications suggest there are 14 passengers and two crew on board the vessel. The group will be transferred to Christmas Island where they will undergo security, identity and health checks as well as establishing their reasons for travel.

This latest vessel is the fourth to be intercepted this year.

People smuggling is a global and regional problem. According to the UNHCR 2008 Global Trends report, there were 42 million forcibly displaced persons worldwide at the end of 2008, including 15.2 million refugees.

The Australian Government has committed more than $654 million to implementing a
comprehensive people smuggling strategy to combat this issue.

The Government has expanded its presence in the region with the Australian Federal Police (AFP), Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) and the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service recently setting up or expanding liaison posts devoted to deterring irregular migration.

Australia is also proactively working with our neighbours, through bilateral cooperation and the Bali Process on People Smuggling, Trafficking in Persons and Related Transnational Crime, to address this most serious issue.

Since September 2008, there have been 92 disruptions of people smuggling ventures in Indonesia, and the arrest of 40 people smuggling organisers.

Media Contacts:
Simon Dowding
(08) 9481 4844 or
0411 138 541 (Minister's office)

Customs and Border Protection media
(02) 6275 6793

Department of Immigration and Citizenship media
(02) 6264 2424

SOURCE: Acting Minister for Home Affairs

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