Blast-proof Buildings On The Drawing Board

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7th August 2008, 02:24pm - Views: 1037

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Minister for Defence Science and Personnel

Thursday, 7 August 2008



A new collaborative research program between the Defence Science and

Technology Organisation (DSTO) and the University of Adelaide will lead to better

protection of buildings against bomb attacks, the Minister for Defence Science and

Personnel, Hon. Warren Snowdon MP, announced today.

Mr Snowdon said the three-year research program will evaluate and develop

materials and engineering solutions to minimise the effects of terrorist explosions

aimed at civilian and military facilities.

“The outcomes of this joint research will greatly improve the strength of Australia’s

critical infrastructure,” Mr Snowdon said.

“DSTO has considerable experience in investigating the results of explosive blasts on

physical structures and this expertise will be extremely valuable in developing anti-

blast design standards for architectural applications.”

The research will focus on studying the performance of ultra high performance

concrete materials when subjected to blast loads. DSTO will conduct the blast testing

and analyse the data.

“The research will contribute to the design of future blast-resistant concrete

structures and ultimately to the development of blast mitigating technologies,” Mr

Snowdon said.

Other partners in the research program include the construction engineering

company VSL Australia and the Buffalo-based State University of New York in the


Mr Snowdon welcomed the growing collaboration between DSTO, industry and the

university sector. 

“The blast protection program for buildings is another example of a strong research

relationship that contributes jointly to the national interest,” Mr Snowdon said.  

“There is considerable scope for such collaboration and I look forward to Australian

universities working closely with DSTO on innovative solutions to enhance defence


Media contacts:

Kate Sieper (Mr Snowdon) 

02 6277 7620 or 0488 484 689

Jimmy Hafesjee (DSTO) 

02 6128 6376 or 0404 042 457

Defence Media Liaison 

02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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